Letter to Jane Fonda


New member
Good letter and lest we forget, click the last link for one of her traitorous broadcasts.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."
You know this is really pretty sick. I did not know too much about the Vietnam war until I went into the Marines. My drill instructor talked about it as he got men ready to go to the Gulf war. He talked a little about Jane Fonda and the rest of the people that didn't support or men in Vietnam. Then when I got to my unit our SgtMaj, a Vietnam vet and good ole ass in the grass 0311, told us about Jane Fonda. I could not believe that people treated our hero's this badly.
I was glad to see that after the Gulf war veterans were treated like they should be treated. The Gulf was a cake walk compared to Vietnam.

I hope people see her for what she really is. A fake and a communist.

You don't have to agree with every war this country fights but you dam sure better stand up for the men who did the fighting.

To all of the Veitnam vets here all the TFL:


"Some people spend an entire liftime wondering if they made a difference. Marines don't have that problem."
Semper Fi
You're welcome, my brother in Arms. :)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
I wasn't there. Was barely born. I wouldn't have gone (for constitutional grounds)unless Congress declared war. I still however cannot for the life of me come up with the slightest sliver of sympathy or forgiveness for her actions. It wasn't posing on the anti aircraft gun that did it. It was the prisoners who trusted her with their names written on little pieces of paper, (in an effort to let somebody know they were alive)and how she took them all, and handed them over to the Colonel in charge of the camp. You cannot pitty that. She deserves a boycott of her work until the day she dies. Fortunately, I will outlive her. I will be able to go to her grave and dig up her flowers and relieve myself appropriately. I am a veteran, and I do believe that there has never been treachery like this displayed against our troops without a trial for treason. She escaped the trial, but will never escape the scorn. Christian or no Christian. I have as much sympathy for her as Karla Faye Tucker.
It is my opinion that the Fonda's of the world are the product of culture emotional schism that have the liberal communistic bent. Such are easily duped into believing that corrupt genre. It is hard for me to believe that a died in the wool socialist communist could ever repent of being part of that most evil design.

She chose to do what she did; she wasn't forced, she capitalized on her celebrity...it was her choice...it wasn't spontaneous, it required planning, time and logistics....it wasn't a moment of spontaneous passion.
She chose, planned, did it and profitted greatly; just as you've milked your relationships with every man you've been with.... you enjoyed the profit, now take the consequences, thou traitorous money-grubbing whore.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
She'll have to lose most of her friends and associates of the past thirty some odd years, associate with a completely new bunch of folks, basically become an entirely new person, and perform an extremely public "mea culpa" thing before I'll believe that she is sincerely sorry for what she did.