Letter to Editor in Pgh Tribune-Review, Pennsylvanians might take note.


New member
Stop Real ID
Thursday, December 13, 2007

In 2008 Pennsylvania begins implementing a federalized driver's license mandate called the "Real ID" that will include personal and biometric data linking us to government databases.

Like gun control, it will penalize innocent law-abiding citizens with higher fees and taxes, more bureaucracy, greater inconvenience, increased privacy risks and questionable security. Criminals and terrorists will work to exploit the ID's false sense of security.

Negotiations are also under way to share database access now among future participants of the North American Union and NAFTA Superhighway.

South Carolina, Maine, New Hampshire and Montana have rejected Real ID. There's hope that Pennsylvania will too.

We must urge our state legislators to reject Real ID. In the House ask your state representative to support H.B. 1351. In the Senate, ask your state senator to support Sen. Folmer's anti-Real ID legislation (bill number not assigned yet).

Act soon. If you're not worried about identity theft and illegal immigration now, wait until Mexico's bureaucracy has your personal and biometric data.

Mark Crowley
