Letter idea

James K

Member In Memoriam
The following was sent to the local newspaper:

In proposing his gun ban, Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran seems to have overlooked both the small problem of enforcement and the troubling details of the loopholes he would allow.

Mr. Curran, who has always wielded his power like a spiked club in the hands of a gauleiter, never says exactly how he would enforce his grandiose ideas. Would he put National Guard tanks in the streets to back house-to-house searches? Would he order State Police to hunt down and execute those who refuse to obey? Would he order a hundred thousand Wacos in Maryland? He seems to exempt, for now, the disarming of the police themselves, but that has always been a goal of gun control advocates.

But he would exempt a "special segment of people", a group that seems rather fuzzy in Mr. Curran's mind. Regardless of what he now says, and based on past experience with such laws, it is a pretty sure bet that we know who his "special people" will be - wealthy white males who make very substantial contributions to the Democratic Party and to the Attorney General's "campaign" slush fund. Needless to say, African-Americans, Hispanics, and women need not apply.

One thing for certain; we now know the real goal of Governor Glendening's gun control campaign; not mandating the non-existent "smart" guns, not attacking crime, but the total and complete confiscation and destruction of all handguns in Maryland not under the control of his personal police forces.
Interesting that you make mention of the "priviledged few" being wealthy benefactors of the Democratic Party, since most of the media likes to portray the Republicans as the pro-gun warmongers.

Oftentimes, reality stings harsher than sarcasm.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.