Letter from Congressman


New member
Received this from my congressmen on Saturday. What do you think

As a strong supporter of gun rights, I want to tell you about two important pieces of legislation I have cosponsored that protect Americans' Second Amendment rights.

Michigan law allows citizens to carry a concealed firearm with a proper permit. However, because some states do not honor other states' concealed-carry permits, Michigan residents who travel out of state cannot carry protection. To address this problem, I joined 32 of my colleagues in the House of Representatives in introducing H.R. 5782, the Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement (SAFE) Act. This bill would allow citizens who hold a concealed-carry permit in their home state to carry in other states.
By enacting the SAFE Act, citizens would be able to travel across the country without giving up their right to personal protection.

As a matter of public safety, I believe policymakers should prevent the sale of firearms to criminals. In doing so, however, lawmakers must also ensure that the federal government is not burdening law-abiding citizens who are freely exercising their right to purchase firearms. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) pursues violent criminals and those who illegally arm them.

To make their mission more effective, however, modest reforms are needed for the BATFE. That is why I support H.R. 4900, the BATFE Reform and Firearms Modernization Act. The bill would overhaul the current system of administrative penalties for licensed firearm dealers and impose more equitable fines or license suspensions for less serious violations. Under current law, the BATFE is given sole jurisdiction over firearms dealers and can issue only a warning or a license revocation. The BA TFE Reform Act would prevent the agency from punishing dealers for insignificant technical paperwork violations. It would also ensure that dealers are properly notified of violations and give them the chance to appeal penalties before a judge rather than to an employee of BA TFE itself.

Please be assured I am committed to protecting and preserving Americans' right to bear arms. I will continue to work in the House to enact these two important pieces of legislation.

Dave Camp

People ask why we have so many gun’s we tell them we don’t own any they belong to are
Great , Great Grandchildren we are jest the caretakers.

I don't know the details of the legislation referenced in the letter, but I can tell you as a lifelong Californian that I have never gotten anything like that from any of *my* congressional representatives. If you write a pro-gun letter to Dianne Feinstein, she'll simply tell you to go fly a kite.

However, because some states do not honor other states' concealed-carry permits, Michigan residents who travel out of state cannot carry protection.
This statement is inaccurate. If Michigan residents travel out of state to a state that recognizes the Michigan permit, then Michigan residents can carry protection in that state. For example, a Michigan resident with a CCW permit can carry in Utah (as can anyone else with a permit).
I like it, but the democrats in congress will suddenly become advocates of states rights and claim it is not a federal issue.
Don H said:
Longun said:
However, because some states do not honor other states' concealed-carry permits, Michigan residents who travel out of state cannot carry protection.
This statement is inaccurate. If Michigan residents travel out of state to a state that recognizes the Michigan permit, then Michigan residents can carry protection in that state. For example, a Michigan resident with a CCW permit can carry in Utah (as can anyone else with a permit).
True, but suppose you want to go to Illinois, California, New York, or Wisconsin? Depending on your route, you may be able to carry on your way there, but once in any of those states (as well as several others) you'll have to put your gun under lock and key.
life has lots of problems to deal with

I think we sometime have a tendency to forget just how many little problems come our way. A lot of the problems we face are due to so many variables from state to state. Basically no two states seem to have the same laws on anything. Different states have similar laws. I doubt there are many laws written exactly the same way from state to state.

Some times we have to face the reality of how the situation exist and act to see it change. CCW are a major issue across the country. Most of us would like to see changes to make them more uniform. And none of us want to see the changes more restrictive. I certainly don't want a CCW law that allows a permit from one state to have reciprocity in every other state if it comes with some other problem on how to obtain a permit. It sounds great to be able to just walk into the local sheriffs office and in ten minutes walk out with your CCW. It does not sound as good when you find out that some Buba get to decide if he will allow you to have a CCW based on his personal judgement.

The idea that a national permit would be interpreted by all state the same way and not have problems is a great dream for the time being.
Finally some sanity from a man in charge. Its almost like we could have voted for him or something???:confused: Go figure . . .