Let's use their own tool against them!


New member
This is cool!!! I love it!!! Using their own tools against them is very

"God, Duty, Honor, Country"

Chuck Hoskinson
"US Army, Retired
... and still serving proudly"

If you want to know who is best qualified to
be the Commander-in-Chief, ask a veteran!
----- Original Message -----
From: <Deke44@aol.com>
To: <Paul-Revere@frostbit.com.fssa-talk@freenet.tlh.fl.us>;
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 11:33 PM
Subject: (no subject)

> This is fun. It's a Dem site wanting folks to sign a petition to the
> secretary of state in Florida to demand a recount. It's more fun to erase
> their message, and write in your own, thereby using their site to work
> against them.
> Bill
> These bozos are trying to pressure for a new election. Suggest you
> use their own apparatus against them. Fill in the message with
> comments to the effect that we don't need a new election - just count
> the ballots we already have.
> http://www.workingforchange.com/activism/action.cfm?itemid=9237
> Kurt
Thanks Kurt. I sent a nice letter.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

The Second Amendment rights have not kept pace with the First.

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)
I sent the following message:
The recount has been accomplished and no re-recounts, via machine or hand, are appropriate. The election is over and once the mail-in ballots have been counted a winner of Florida's electoral votes should be announced. The power of your office must be used to ensure that no re-vote in Florida occurs.
I sent out the following letter.
Dear Secretary Harris:
The votes have been counted twice! Lets stop this sham!

The integrity of the 2000 Presidential election now rests in your hands. Please use the full power of your office to stop this madness from the Gore Lawyers.

I found a whole lot of other letters to send on their main page..

Given the choice between freedom and security I'd choose freedom any day!

.... ..George
Dear Secretary Harris:

Enough is enough!

Please use the full power of your office to call for acceptance of the official recount of ballots for the Presidential race in Palm Beach County. Any further recounts would be inappropriate.

I love it!
Those left wingers even thanked me for sending this e-mail! I hope it cost them a couple of bucks besides.
Just sent one, too, reminding the good Secretary that Florida is receiving more than it's share of attention as a mockery of the election process. Asked her when she thought the recounts would end, especially if those who request them aren't satisfied with the most recent results...