Let's turn this poll around

3476 responses <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
<LI>We need less gun control. 18%
<LI>Gun control is fine the way it is. 13%
<LI>We need more gun control. 31%
<LI>It doesn't matter because guns will always be available to those who shouldn't have them. 36%
<LI>I'm not sure. 1%
Hey guys, you can keep hitting the back button on your browser and continue to vote as many times as you want. Whaaaat??? are we supposed to play fair????
;) :D :rolleyes: :cool:

[This message has been edited by CrossEyed (edited November 02, 2000).]
I voted 6 times so far. Since, if I was running a poll, I'd put a marker in the cookie so if someone voted multiple times it wouldn't count, U disabled cookies and just pasted the addy in. Nevver saw the 'less gun control' go above 21%
Remember that the 'does matter, criminals will get guns' are on our side too. Even the 'leave it alone' group doesn't want more laws so are on our side.