Let's try to recruit those new gun owners


New member
This is not an ego trip, but the letter below is what I sent to the Las Vegas paper. It might move some of those new gun owners to become more involved. Feel free to cut, paste and send to your local paper. I tried keeping it generic for just that purpose.

"To the Editor:

An open letter to those who bought a firearm preparing for Y2K.

Did you buy that gun because you realized that in the final analysis, you and you alone are responsible for your family’s well-being? That the State cannot protect you 24 hours a day or be legally liable if they don’t?

Well then, you just did something that Bill Clinton, his Democratic buddies, and the liberal media don’t want you to do. You went out and exercised your right to keep and bear arms -- something we “gun nuts” have been fighting for for years, against humongous odds.

Now that you’ve exercised your right, how about assuming the responsibility of using that firearm in a safe manner? Get thee to the NRA Home Firearms Safety program or other safety classes that are offered. Get thee also to a gun range where you can put those lessons to work and meet a group of people who don’t have horns or a forked tail. Odds are, you will have discovered a fun hobby and fine fellowship.

If you want to keep that right, join a gun rights organization like the National Rifle Association or Gun Owners of America. Clinton and the other above-mentioned worthies will be working overtime this year to take that right away from you. You might want to ask them why."

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Thanks Oatka!!

I'm going to take you up on the invite, and direct this to my local Pravda.

Does anyone have any objection if I include TFL's URL with the essay?

Best Regards,
nice letter oatka; I copied it to my hd
& will print it out and send it to my newspaper, later on.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
Thank you, Oatka. Yes, those among us with the gift and inclination to write to editors should continually do so, especially in response to a printed "anti" editorial. I myself am now inspired to write.
Thanks Oatka.
Just sent it to the local paper here in San Luis Obispo, KALIF. I spiced it up a bit and included our Socialist Premier "RED Davis" and his KGB Head of State "Bill 'SKS' Lockyer" in it also.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.