Let's try a different model for Gun Control


New member
Hi.. I have been lurking this forum for some time and have decided to make my first post. I hope it lives up to my past history (elsewhere I have been accused of being an entertainment anarchist (I like to start a ruckus just for the fun of it)).

All of the victim disarmnament advocates and their dupes in the media claim that the American model of control of private ownership of guns is inherantly flawed and we HAVE TO DO SOMETHING about it(for our children bla bla bla). They immediately point to the Japanese or British models (ie take them away from everyone) as good examples. Well, even if I agreed with the premise (our model is flawed), I can NOT agree with following these examples. For crying out loud, we fought wars against both these countries (come to think of it, aren't most of our current gun control laws like the GCA of 68 based on the German laws passed by the Nazi's... Didn't we fight a couple wars against them??? hhmm)

Anyway, my suggestions is we pick a different country to use as our Gun Control Model, one that is proven effective and someone we haven't fought against, the Swiss. That's right, I propose we institute universal manditory militia membership for ALL citizens including initial bootcamp style training , annual testing and retraining, and MANDITORY gun possession in every members home. And since we are a progressive nation, I mean men and women, no exception, no excuses. I originally felt that those unwilling to bear arms in our country's defense who refused for whatever reason should be deported, but have been swayed to some leniency and would accept allowing poeple to refuse but only if they:

A) are ineligble to hold any elected/ appointed public office or work for government including teachers
B) are inelible to vote
C) are REQUIRED to wear DayGlo Pink jumpsuits anytime they appear in public

I know some might think this harsh but we HAVE TO DO SOMETHING to solve the GUN PROBLEM and would you want someone unwilling to defend our nation as President or teaching your children?

If they come for my guns and I stand up and fight...What about my kids???

if I don't fight...What about my kids???
Do you really want to see Rosie O in a day-glo pink jumpsuit?

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited June 29, 1999).]
Ewok: The mental picture of that event worked better than any diet supplement on the market. I had to stop eating. :D In fact the way I feel right now, I may not eat for a couple of days.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 29, 1999).]
Jer. I posted in another thread someting about GCA68 being a copy of Hitlers gun control laws, as promulgated by the late Sen. Dodd senior. I'm glad to see there is somebody that agrees with me on that.
Paul B.
As far as the '68 gun law being based on Hitler's laws, I've seen elsewhere in this forum that Hitler didn't really say that about "historic gun registration." Don't know whether I belive that or not. That's beside the point, however.

I agree with Jeremae- If you are unwilling to take up arms in defense of your country, and your liberty, you don't deserve to have them, much less hold public office in said country. Don't know that I totally agree with the idea of mandatory boot camp training. I have asthma and would be unable to complete such training. Does that mean I don't deserve to be an American and be free? If you say yes, you and me's gonna hafta fight. :D If it were mandatory ownership and training (I oppose unfunded mandates, BTW) in the use of firearms, I could see to that. But, you do have to consider those who have physical conditions that prevent them from soldiering but don't prevent them from shooting.

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited June 30, 1999).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>...we HAVE TO DO SOMETHING to solve the GUN PROBLEM...[/quote]

What gun problem? The only problem I have is I don't have enough guns.

If you want to know more about the GCA '68/Nazi Gun control issue go to www.jpfo.org . They have published a book, which no one has refuted, containing their proofs of the connection.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
As I understand it, the Swiss model is for Militia Training... not quite the same thing as Army Boot Camp... but I agree, the training regime must be geared to the physical capabilities of the individual as the important aspect is the willingness to take up arms in defense. This model is also more in line with the beliefs of our founding fathers who ALL distrusted a government that kept a standing army and were only comfortable with volunteer militias.

Unfunded mandates, who boy that's a whole nother can of worms... I don't believe in ANY taxes as Taxation is theft, but this is one area that government does have a legitimate job, national defense. In a pure Libertarian nation with NO taxes, I would expect the system to evolve into something like Volunteer Fire Departments with fund raising drives, picnics etc.

As to Rosie O in Dayglo Pink being a visual Ipecac, consider this... Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Bill Klinton... Hillary Klinton... now I'm getting queezy.

If they come for my guns and I stand up and fight...What about my kids???

if I don't fight...What about my kids???
I wouldn't mind being required to own a gun, as I have 3 already anyway. As far as the militia training, they would be teaching me to shoot, maintain my guns, and so on, right? That seems fair to me. Just as long as they don't try to turn me into a lean mean killing machine- something I have no desire to become! I prefer to live my life in peace and let others do the same. Where you get into trouble is when you try to hurt me or my wife and children. In that case, all bets are off.

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"
While I agree that the model countries used by GC advocates are wrong, I don't think Switzerland is a good model either. Frankly, I don't think a good model exists.
Conviction on violent felony charges or adjuication that one is either insane or mentally incompetent should be the only restrictions on owning any type or number of firearms. In order to puchase, one simply swipes a magnetic ID card through a card reader. If potential purchaser is a prohibited person, it will read this info and flash a red light-no sale. If there have been no prohibitions, the reader reads nothing and flashes green-sale approved. If there's some doubt (same name as a possible prohibited person), a yellow light would show, & you would then put you thumb on a reader. It would compare the print to the one on file for the prohibited person. This preserves the privacy of the innocent while holding off the guilty. I know of no place that has this system.
I wouldn't want Switzerland's model, because that requires MANDATORY service. As a free man, I believe it's my right to choose to be in the military or not. If I don't have the right to choose how to live my life, down to the tinest detail, then I'm no longer free, I'm just a slave. I will not be a slave. Give me liberty, or give me death.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
While I agree that the model countries used by GC advocates are wrong, I don't think Switzerland is a good model either. Frankly, I don't think a good model exists.
Conviction on violent felony charges or adjuication that one is either insane or mentally incompetent should be the only restrictions on owning any type or number of firearms. In order to puchase, one simply swipes a magnetic ID card through a card reader. If potential purchaser is a prohibited person, it will read this info and flash a red light-no sale. If there have been no prohibitions, the reader reads nothing and flashes green-sale approved. If there's some doubt (same name as a possible prohibited person), a yellow light would show, & you would then put you thumb on a reader. It would compare the print to the one on file for the prohibited person. This preserves the privacy of the innocent while holding off the guilty. I know of no place that has this system.
I wouldn't want Switzerland's model, because that requires MANDATORY service. As a free man, I believe it's my right to choose to be in the military or not. If I don't have the right to choose how to live my life, down to the tinest detail, then I'm no longer free, I'm just a slave. I will not be a slave. Give me liberty, or give me death.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc