Let's talk pocket pistols


New member
I have been considering replacing my P938 which has filled the role of my pocket pistol in the past. When I carry on a belt I have gotten to the habit of carrying a G19 and am concerned about the difference in battery of arms. This will be worn when I don't feel like dressing around the G19 or its simply not reasonable to do so.

Note: any pocket pistol I carry will be carried in a proper holster. This is going to apply to all of them

Right now I am considering:

The Smith and Wesson Shield - especially if the rebates and cheap deals come back on them.

The Glock 43 - seems simple enough

The Sig P365 - assuming it fits in a pocket and after the beta testing is done on them. Sorry not a beta tester

The advantage all of the above have is they are 9MM pistols and I keep A LOT of 9MM around.

I have also considered the Ruger LCR. Yes I know this can be had in 9MM but it is likely if I chose this it would be in .327.

The price difference in the above guns is not consequential. Maybe I am missing some option I should be really considering

Aren't those all noticeably bigger than your current pistol? How big are your pockets? Remember that it is not enough to get the pistol in your pocket, you have to be able to get it out smoothly and relatively quickly for it to serve you well.

I carry a Glock IWB and a Sig P238 for pocket carry when I need it. The feel of each is very different, and I have practiced enough with both to transition with little or no conscious thought. You should be confident in what you carry, though. Would the Ruger LCP offerings be close enough in manual of arms to satisfy your concerns?
Love my P238 ... not sure of the footprint compared to your 9mm version. Just a solid shooter and not bad at 10 yards
If you want a 9MM in a true "pocket pistol" size, look at the Kahr CM9. Smaller than all the Sub Compacts you mentioned. Smaller than the Kahr would take you to the 380 mouse guns like Kel-Tec P3at, Ruger LCP, S&W Bodyguard, and others.
Now if you like the size of the Kahr, and have "deep" pockets you can get the PM model for double the price with some unnecessary upgrades.
When you are talking about fractions of an inch, the Shield (and XDs and PPS M2) is considerably bigger than a P938.
You'll have to get bigger pockets.
You must have big pockets if you can get a Shield all the way inside them. I'm not a small person (6'2"), and the XDS (similar in size to the Shield) was comfortable but stuck out at least an inch.

For me the most important dimension for whether a gun can be pocketed is the overall length. Measure your Sig and look for other guns that have similar dimensions.

When I pocket carry now, I use the Bond Bullpup. I'm not saying it's the right choice for everyone, because it does have a higher price, but for a 9mm with a 3 1/2" barrel that's shorter than an LCP, it does the trick. Doesn't hurt that (unlike most micro pistols) it's a joy to shoot, so I have no problem keeping in practice with it. I do put the plastic grips on if it's going in the pocket; the stock rosewood ones are gorgeous, but noticeably thicker.

It is hammer-fired rather than striker like your Glock, but since it's DAO there aren't any manual safeties. As long as you aren't upset by the heavier pull weight (which is probably the case if you're considering the LCR), the manual of arms should be similar enough.

At any rate, though, if the gun you choose is bigger than your 938 in any dimension, make sure to try one in your pocket before you buy so that you know you'll be able to carry it comfortably and draw it consistently...

Edit: unrelated, but are you the same Lohman446 from MCB? If so, cheers...
For regular jeans pockets I can't carry anything bigger than the micro 380's: LCP, P3AT, Pico, etc.

For a cargo pocket I like my LCR a lot. I carry my G43 owb, but it would probably fit in a cargo pocket. It's my favorite small 9mm of the several I've owned.
I have the Kahr CM9. It is pocketable, but I would question the ability to draw it smoothly. It is shorter, thinner, and lighter than most of the other 9mm options. 0.9" thick and 14.7 or so ounces unloaded.

I have the Ruger LCP .380 as well. It is a true pocket gun. A joy to carry. For me it is horrible to shoot. Every time I pull the trigger, it recoils and smashes my trigger finger into the bottom of the trigger guard. I hate shooting that gun.

The Kahr is a little more pleasant to shoot.

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Edit: unrelated, but are you the same Lohman446 from MCB? If so, cheers...

Sure am. I should visit there again and more often...

I'm thinking I may have overthought how "small" the above guns were.
If you want a 9MM in a true "pocket pistol" size, look at the Kahr CM9. Smaller than all the Sub Compacts you mentioned.
This. The trigger is long, but smooth. I have carried mostly 1911s for years and never had any trouble adjusting to the Kahr. I've never had an issue with drawing it smoothly. I pocket carry it using a DeSantis Nemesis holster. I also have a Shield and like it fine OWB or IWB but it is too large for pocket carry. I have a Ruger LCP but only carry it when other options don't work. It's not a pleasant gun to shoot and is on the low scale for a defensive handgun.
This will be worn when I don't feel like dressing around the G19 or its simply not reasonable to do so.

That's pretty much when I pocket carry as well. It's sort of my lazy carry method when I don't want to change my clothes but don't want to be unarmed, and I've got a Bodyguard 380 and S&W 642 that are my two pocket carry guns for those occasions. The Bodyguard is usually a gun I drop into a back pants pocket if I'm working around the house or office where I'm going to be on my feet, don't totally care about it being seen, but don't want to be unarmed. Otherwise my 642 is my usual pocket carry, usually in the strong side pocket of deep pocketed shorts, or in the strong side pocket of a jacket in colder weather.

Beyond that, for me personally I find that most of the pockets I wear just don't much accommodate any sort of reliable pocket carry (jeans, khakis, soft shell hiking pants, sweats to/from the gym, etc). So it's again sort of a last resort, grab-and-go method of carry for me, and in those situations usually it's the revolver that's easiest to toss into a pair or shorts or jacket pocket.
If it has to be a 9mm, look at the Ruger EC9s. I have the LC9s, which is the same gun with adjustable sights, and it can be pocket carried in a pants with big pockets. For most pants though, I carry my LCP II. Both of my guns have had over 300 rounds through them without ANY issues.
Sure am. I should visit there again and more often...
Well, then, it's pretty obvious, you need something in brass!

Ok, seriously though, this might give you an idea how they compare:

P938 vs. Shield:

P938 vs Glock 43:

P938 vs p365:

Of those, it looks like the P365 might be the closest in size to your current one...

Here's some of the others mentioned:
Kahr CM9:

Bond Arms Bullpup (yes, the picture is labeled "Boberg" but the Bullpup is exactly the same externally):
(See what I mean, BTW? This thing is tiny front-to-back...)

Ruger LC9s (I couldn't find a comparison with the EC9s, but if it's the same size then this one works):
By the way, there's another one I thought of that might fit your criteria and is similar in size to your 938: the Beretta Nano. I haven't handled or fired one, so do your due diligence, but it's another option:


My pocket pistol is an AMT Backup (380) in a Dersantis pocket holster.

Loved the little concealable gun until I went thru the NBJ State police qualification course. That was an eye opener!

Switched to my Walther PP.
I wrote this in another thread, but if you want a 9 mm true pocket pistol, the Sig 938 has to be the best - or close to it. I looked at the Ruger and a few others and general consensus (people of course always have their favorites of course) was that they just weren't built strong enough. Again, having the 9 mm is really nice and was the clincher for me.
By the way, there's another one I thought of that might fit your criteria and is similar in size to your 938: the Beretta Nano. I haven't handled or fired one, so do your due diligence, but it's another option:

View attachment 107194
Just bought a Nano a few weeks back and totally fell in love with it. I had been looking for a new single stack 9mm for about 6 months to replace a LC9S that I have been carrying for years. And actually shoot it better, which surprised me, as I have put many thousands of rounds through the Ruger. The Nano has very little muzzle flip.
Spent the last few weeks shooting. 600 rounds of mixed ammo and shot flawless, mild as heck and a very snag free design. Here is a pick in comparison to a Shield. I also liked the Kahr and the Sig.
All are great guns, but for myself, it fit the bill perfectly. Love the small size.


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