Are you a fan of your states hunting seasons and bag limits? Would you like to see some changes? Do you feel that your state has it all wrong when it comes to seasons and/or bag limits? I'm just curious to see if there is a general feeling of approval or disapproval and why. Here in Michigan where I reside I have a general feeling of approval but do think there are some things that I would like to see changed. #1) The bow season is three months and the general gun season is only 15 days. Keeping in mind that I am both a bow and gun hunter I think that the bow season is now too long. Years ago there were many fewer bow hunters and the impact on the behavior patterns of deer was small. With the increased number of bow hunters the deer have been pestered quite a bit and the quality of the gun hunt has suffered. #2) Bag limits on doe shooting is so liberal that the whitetail deer has suffered in image from a special worthy game species, to almost pest status in the eyes of younger hunters. The goal of the Michigan DNR is to make drastic reductions in the overall size of the herd. Crop damage permits are issued to farmers in theory to reduce the damage done by deer to his crops. The reality is that these farmers LEAVE crops in the field to feed the deer so that the lease fee for hunting privileges can be raised because of liberal doe shooting. This system has all but eliminated the access to private property unless you are quite wealthy. The land belongs to the farmers and he has the right to allow hunting or not, pay or not, but the DNR should not be helping them to profit from bogus crop damage permits. Most of the game species in Michigan are well managed with research and data. Deer on the other hand are subjected to political and special interest group influence. Disclaimer.....These are my thoughts and opinions, not scientific facts or opinions influenced by any special interests. My opinions are based on personal experience and impact that I see. Your experiences and opinions may vary!