Lets see your CC setup!


New member
Let's see your concealed carry setup... how do you carry?

Lately I have been sticking to my Kahr PM9 in an OWB belt slide holster at around 3:00-3:30. It is just so light, small, easy to carry, and disappears under the lightest cover garment. It makes it hard to justify carrying anything else...and with seven rounds of 9mm+P ammo I feel well protected.

This is the holster I am wearing today. It is a Don Hume J.I.T. slide which cost my under $20 locally. I also use a Safariland holster of a similar design when I want a black holster. :)



99% of the time I'm carrying my HK P2000SK in a Milt Sparks VMII with a belt from TheBeltMan. I have found this to be the perfect carry setup for me. It doesn't matter if I'm wearing jeans and a jacket or shorts and t-shirt, this combo works great for me.
