Lets say Semi-Automatics just got banned, what would you do?

What would you do?

  • I would politly turn my rilfe or handgun into the police.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • I would tell them to pry my rifle from my cold dead fingers

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I would tell them to go home they cannot have it, if they enter my home I start shooting

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • If they ban them I am breaking off from society and forming a revolutionary guard

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
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I'd hide some and keep the rest secretly while I actively assisted every group that worked against it.

If they ever came for my guns I'd turn in a rusty SKS and then get ready for the cataclysm that was about to ensue.
not worrying

I live in Buffalo County, WI. I am not worried in the least, as there is not a law enforcement officer that could or would enforce such a thing here. Besides, WI would probably move to seceed from any such gunforsaken union.
I'd probably have to figure out some way to get more range time with the stuff from the armory on base.
...and I'd bet some people would have mysterious boating accidents.
How can you all overlook lever guns??

Browning BL22 rimfire -


Winchester 94 Buffalo Bill Commemorative 30-30


Winchester 95 Hi Grade 30-06


And owner the day my wife gave it to me for our 25th anniversary three years ago (OK - so I located it for her - we guys have to help our wives all we can) -;)



Isn't this thread a little incendiary?

Those choices don't exactly shed a good light on gun owners. Is this really the kind of thing we want the general population to think we sit around planning?
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I would, of course, comply with the law.

The one I swore an oath to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic!

I'll just gather them up and .....oh, my gosh, I must have been robbed!!!
Sorry, I sold them all a few months ago, for scrap.
Insert smart answer here _____________________
Lets just say this question is foolish, because nobody with two brain cells to rub together is actually going to honestly tell you what they would do, on an Internet forum!

there really are better things to talk about
C'mon guys, seriously. This type of thread is just asking for trouble. Why in the hell would you even want someone to ACCIDENTALLY get the impression that this forum, or its members would advocate breaking the law in response to a gun ban? Irresponsible and a bit immature.....:confused:
C'mon, is everyone an anti-freedom extremist, wanting to stifle discussion of potential laws that infringe on freedom, and possible responses?

There's plenty of room to discuss options without violating TFL's terms of service. Do we want to give the impression that every gun owner will just roll over and accept whatever gun ban comes down the pike? Let's avoid the trite admonitions to storm city hall this time around, shallwe?

First of all, if such a ban comes down, its not game over, think of it more like the first inning of the ball game. Strategies?

First, civil disobedience. Everyone ought to take a look at the Canadian response to gun registration. Massive noncompliance. People registering soldering guns and nail guns (technique called monkeywrenching). As a result, the program was a colossal failure, $3billion boondoggle, and a political liability. Many more ways to make cost of implementation as high as possible.

Second, encourage and cultivate allies within the system. Suffice it to say that not everyone in LE will "go along with the program". Rather than turning in their badges (or resigning if not sworn), such folks could be incredibly helpful to the resistance. Hackers? Oops, the gun registration lists, accidently go poof! in the computer, no backups! All the employee benefits for gun roundup squads somehow get honked up, no vacation or retirement records, requiring extensive manpower to regenerate. Or, the APC mysteriously has engine trouble on the morning of the raid.

If it ever came to door-to-door roundups, how incredibly valuable would it be to have a mole to tip off the intended target? When a 30-man swat team breaches Joe Gunowner's safe, all that is found is a rusty pellet gun!

And, because we've cultivated our allies in the media, we get a page one coverage of Commander Zero, explaining why his raid, costing taxpayers thousands of dollars, netted zilch.

There's a hundred more possibilities, I've got to go to work...
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