Let's hope the Kalif antis shoot themselves in the foot


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Gun Control Conflict Brews

In Calif., Upcoming Primary, Davis's Resistance Color Debate

By Rene Sanchez

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, January 9, 2000; Page A03

LOS ANGELES—Picking up where they left off last year, California's lawmakers are charging back to work vowing to pass another batch of tough gun-control laws. But this time, as a high-stakes election season begins to unfold, it seems they have lost their most important ally, Democratic Gov. Gray Davis.

The budding conflict on gun control here in the nation's most populous and often most influential state is hardly just another routine squabble in party politics.

California has emerged as a national leader in restricting the sale and use of firearms, with its trend-setting legislature firmly controlled by Democrats and showing more willingness than Congress to tackle the issue. The state's pivotal primary for presidential candidates also is only two months away, and gun control figures to be at the forefront of voter concerns.

Last summer, with the fervent support of the newly elected Davis, California adopted a groundbreaking set of laws designed to crack down on the proliferation of guns. The package includes what gun-control groups call the nation's toughest ban on assault weapons. It limits handgun purchases in the state to one a month and prohibits the manufacture or sale of cheap "Saturday Night Special" handguns that often are used in violent crimes. It also requires all guns made or sold in California to have safety locks on triggers.

Now, lawmakers across the Golden State say they want to take another potentially significant step: Imposing more extensive registration and new licensing requirements on prospective gun owners.

An array of proposals already is being developed in the legislature, which reconvened last week. Most would force gun owners to take more safety tests, pay higher fees and renew a firearms license every year or few years. Advocates of the ideas say that they would help police track guns used in crimes more easily and conduct background checks of gun owners regularly--not just at the time of a purchase.

"We made tremendous strides last year, but we still need to do more," said state Rep. Jack Scott, the chairman of the legislature's select committee on gun violence. "These are common-sense things that the public says it wants."

Many lawmakers, including Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa, are urging Davis to keep an open mind about supporting a new slate of gun regulations. After years of political gridlock on the issue, they know they have the votes and the key interest groups on their side to get measures passed. The California Police Chiefs Association has expressed support for licensing and registration of guns, and has yet to complain about the workload the new laws will create.

Stopping now, lawmakers contend, also would send the wrong message to an electorate that in many polls is showing growing interest in strict gun control.

But Davis sounds worried that the legislature is going too far, too fast. His caution, his aides say, is both practical and political. He wants to give law enforcement officials and the public a chance to adjust to and assess the new gun laws without creating still more rules. He also apparently fears that approving another wave of gun laws could galvanize conservative voters at a time when the looming presidential race in make-or-break California looks quite competitive. Some early polls of hypothetical election matchups show Vice President Gore, whom Davis has endorsed, in a dead heat with Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

In his annual address to the legislature on Wednesday, Davis barely mentioned gun control, saying instead that his dominant priority this year will be using the state's projected $3 billion surplus to hire better teachers and improve public schools. He praised the gun measures that lawmakers approved last year as sensible and important, but then said simply, "They need time to work."

Garry South, a political adviser to Davis, said the legislature should not doubt the governor's resolve on shelving gun control for the year. "He is being very clear," South said. "We should not be overloading the system with too many new laws at once. We believe the public wants us to take a deep breath and make sure these laws work first. There can be a real backlash to where we're going."

Even though they are just taking effect, the new laws are creating seismic changes in California's gun industry. First, the mere prospect of tougher gun regulations is prompting smaller weapons retailers, some with questionable business practices, to close. Larger outlets that gun groups say often work more comfortably with law enforcement agencies are taking control of the market.

Second, gun sales in the state have been soaring, especially in the past few months. In December, sales were twice as high as they were a year earlier. The increases were the first in California since 1993, the year after the Los Angeles riots. Yet annual gun sales are still lower now than they were then.

The National Rifle Association regards the spurt in sales as the first of many unintended consequences from the legislature's steps on gun control last year. NRA leaders in California also contend that some of the new laws are confusing gun dealers in the state. Two major dealers already have stopped selling several kinds of rifles because of how the new rules are drawn, but the state attorney general is calling that move an NRA ploy to undermine the law.

Adding new licensing and registration requirements as that debate rages would only make matters more complicated, and do little good, the NRA says.

Steve Helsley, the NRA's top official in California, said such steps would force the state to create a costly new bureaucracy, overburden local police agencies and harass law-abiding gun owners with higher fees and endless paperwork. Gun owners also would be at risk of having legal weapons seized, he said.

"All of this is focused on the good guys," Helsley said. "The key issue is where registration and licensing takes you--to confiscation. If you can't keep paying the fees, you surrender the gun."

Chuck Michel, a director of the 70,000-member California Rifle and Pistol Association, said, "The only goal of this is to make it more and more difficult to own a gun."

Under current California law, gun buyers must take a short multiple-choice test on firearms safety, submit to one-time background checks and wait 10 days to get a weapon. But gun control advocates contend that process makes it difficult for criminal investigators to track guns and is riddled with loopholes. Military veterans and licensed hunters, for example, are exempt from taking safety tests. The tests also can be taken and re-taken in gun stores, which gun control groups call a blatant conflict of interest.

Lawmakers who support gun licensing, and renewals every few years, say that it would be a simple process not much different from the requirements for owning motor vehicles the public readily accepts.

"The system we have now is very weak. When someone buys a gun, they get checked once and never checked again," said Luis Tolley, the western regional director for Handgun Control. "There are no hands-on safety tests, and we let gun stores give the written test. It's like letting a used car salesman tell someone, 'Here's a license; it's okay to drive.' We would never let that happen with cars."

© Copyright 2000 The Washington Post Company

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Finally we have proof of the method we have long suspected.

The Brownshirts push until gun owners begin to unite. Then the
confiscators slow down until gun owners get used to the given level of
unconstitutional laws. Then the Brownshirts begin again to further
compromise our liberty in direct violation of the Constitution.

...But Davis sounds worried that the legislature is going too far, too fast.
His caution, his aides say, is both practical and political. He wants to give
law enforcement officials and the public a chance to adjust to and assess
the new gun laws without creating still more rules. He also apparently
fears that approving another wave of gun laws could galvanize
conservative voters at a time when the looming presidential race in
make-or-break California looks quite competitive. ....

We should not be overloading the system with too many new laws at once.
We believe the public wants us to take a deep breath and make sure these
laws work first. There can be a real backlash to where we're going.

By fearing a “backlash” he reveals that the “system” he is overloading is
the burden upon honest Americans.

A pox on the man and his efforts to subjugate us.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
I suggest a pox and a good rope.....but its pretty obvious there paving the way for the political debates and have been doing it at our expense since the last election---when we kicked em out of congress they have us marked so we need to kick back as best we can.....Since it dosent appear that we are going get anywhere in the cts prior to this election I almost hope that they push so hard and fast that the fence sitters will get off the fence and rise up...but the damage they do in the mean time......with their lies, deceits, and incremential stealing of freedom......buy more guns and ammo and to hell with em...fubsy.
Davis is right, but I'll bet the California fascists won't be able to stop themselves. They may just lead the state into the Supreme Court with one of their gun grabs ... if Emerson doesn't get us there first. I think we'll have some guidance from the Supremes in the next couple of years. If they kill the RKBA, then I suppose we'll start building even more prisons.

This looks more like the civil rights struggle every day.

If you liked the War on Drugs, you're going to love the War on Guns.

Regards from AZ
It seems that all these new laws will eventually give us ammo to FIGHT gun control.
We all know that all these laws will not prevent or lower any crime. Simply, we can tracks crime rates before and after the new laws, and it will become extremely evident that it will have no effect. We can use this ammo to keep other States from following suit.
Kalifornia"s anti self defense so called gun control laws are totally unconstitutional
and therefore ,null and void.
Please consult www.guntruths.com to research this.

Aside from being unconstitutional, and thus null and void, what else is wrong with these laws. Well, lets see...

All these anti self defense gun Konfiscation laws focus soley on the law abiding fire arms
owner and do nothing to stop criminals from owning whatever kind and however many they
like of illegal and unregistered weapons.

In point of law , the Fifth Ammendment
of the constitution exempts felons from registering firearms and citizen (gun) control licensing because this would incriminate them and felons do not have to self incriminate themselves.

So ,all the good guys would be disarmed
& defenseless & all the criminals would conviently forget to register, license and turn in their weapons; just like what happened in Australia , where the criminals
are now having a free for all with the disarmed & defenseless law abiding.

Next is the yearly licensing fees, which are designed to steadly increase year after year,
costing more and more, until an honest man of
upper middle class income can no longer afford to pay the outragious licensing fees and would be forced to surrender his firearms or become an criminal and risk going to jail.

One however, pays the state for privledges.

The last time I looked at the Second Ammendment ,it said the rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

These Kalifornia Socialists are , in my opinion , truely evil and disgusting communists and I feel I am deeply insulting all communists with a comparison they ill deserve.

These socialist elitest politicians do not trust their constituents and care nothing
for American values or weather those whom they rule ,live or die.

In 2000, we must become
politically active
in support of gun rights
or we WILL LOSE the right
& the freedom.


Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they are all disarmed and helpless and die,instead.

ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!