Let's have some fun! (and educate the public)

Try out this bulletin board linked below. It is a forum set up to discuss the shooting at Alamo in the Bay Area, California recently.

Let's try to be CIVIL, EDUCATED and LOGICAL. Don't go over there making us look like loudmouth idiots. Name calling solves nothing. Just show them some logic and use some truth to expose their fallacies.
(One person that really needs some education over there is "Kathryn".)

Now let's have some fun....

Below is the link to the ludicrous story about why the good doctor in Alamo might have been better off if he had not shot the bad guys, and that maybe esubmitting to home invaders is better than fighting them.
Idiocy! All I can say to these idiots is: "if YOU want to fight crime by submitting to it and hoping that they are nice, then that is your right, but don't you dare tell me how to defend my own home!".

Having some fun now.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
I think we chased most of them off, and gave Richmond a licking too. He really had no interest in learning anything though, just continually spouting garbage with no interest in truth.
We could still use some good logical factual debaters over here in the linked forum if anyone wants to give Richmond Dweller an education. I think the rest of us have grown weary with his stale emotional "argumnents"