Let's Close The Gunshow Loophole

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I am definitely not with you on this.
This is the start to the end of private gun sales and that has no place in america.
to answer Hoytinak they wish to ask private citizens to apply for a vendors license and pay a large tax to sell privately at gun shows.
I still don't understand what the whole "gunshow loophole" is.....how is it different than any other FTF deal?

There's nothing to understand...the gun-grabbers invented the 'loophole' to use as another sound-bite and talking point to sell gun control to the general public, most of whom no nothing about firearms or gun shows.
The ever elusive gunshow loop hole. I've asked every anti-gunner who has approached me to tell me what that loop hole consists of and to date not one has been able to tell me what it actually is. It's simple, there is no such thing.
to answer Hoytinak they wish to ask private citizens to apply for a vendors license and pay a large tax to sell privately at gun shows.

Ah yes, lets not forget the TAX...so I pay sales tax when I buy the gun in the first place, then I have to pay the governement AGAIN when I sell the thing. Fantastic...what's next? An air tax? How about mandatory pay toilets in private residences? I wonder what they'd do with the money...pass it out to deadbeats perhaps?
dmwphoto, Your right on target, all firearm sales must be thru a FFL dealer. It's your FFL dealers that are going to do this to you. orchidhunter
The ever elusive gunshow loop hole. I've asked every anti-gunner who has approached me to tell me what that loop hole consists of and to date not one has been able to tell me what it actually is. It's simple, there is no such thing.

Bingo....someone gets it.
I have been red carded for stepping over the line. I will spend my time in the penalty box for my infraction. But my answer remains the same, "No." I do not support it. I like my privacy being just that, mine.

Since politics and religion are forbidden, ____ save us from our stupidity.
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Let's not, and say we did.... Since there is not a real loop hole to be concerned with.

Dealers are already required to run checks on all transfers, and forcing private parties to run checks will only cause them to sell in back alleys.... Where unsavvy people are known to congregate....
Orchidhunter, I'm not sure if you're a troll or a secret Bradyite, but it's just wrong.

There is no gunshow loophole. There is only private party transfer. Which I whole-heartedly support and will always support.
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