Let's beat them at their own game


It seems to me that one of the best ways we can go about protecting our rights, is to play the game that the anti-gunners have really started to employ. The lawyers who went after the tobacco industry have set their sights on the firearms manufacturers and believe me it's not about public safety, or profound political and social convictions, it's about greed and money.

We have been debating this thing for years now and our rights are slowly disappearing before our eyes. The change has been slow so that over the course of a decade or two it dosn't seem like very much, but put it in the perspective of a couple of generations and you can see that we ARE being strangled and must do something drastic about it NOW.

As I see it there are only two options left to protect our civil liberties and prevent the eventuality of a totalitarian state, WHICH IS DEFINITELY COMING IF WE SIT ON OUR HANDS. Option #1 is most unpalatable and can hopefully be avoided, and that is armed insurrection. Option #2 would be more difficult, require more fortitude and take decades to achieve, and that is basically "beating the man at his own game using his own rules".

Imagine, A class action lawsuit against the Alcohol Industry that claims every alcoholic can get damages because the Industry has promoted a dangerous product irresponsibly. I can tell you that the howling out of the Kennedy mansion in Mass. would be heard across the country. I know that you, like myself would personally disagree with such litigous nonsense, but what are we to do?

Perhaps a class action lawsuit against all the auto manufacturers, on behalf of every accident victim where speeding or reckless driving was a factor, becuase again, the industry not only promotes the product irresponsibly, but also builds vehicles that are capable of operating outside legal parameters as well as the safety envelope.

This is the way to victory without shedding blood. We need to band together and try to institute a "Revolution of Litigation". I would like to hear about other industries that could be similarly attacked in this way, paralyzing the nation until congress wakes up.
Shark, I've been calling for "Tort Reform Now!" and you, Sir, may have illuminated the path.

Yes, let's get the alcohol makers and distributors. We all know deaths are up during holidays. And while we're at it, those automobile manufacturers. 40k plus killed a year in automobiles sounds pretty outrageous to me. Later, when we can tie in cellular phones and cancer, let's sue the cell phone makers, marketers and distributors for increased health care costs. If we could get some sociologists to conduct a study demonstrating how violence is influenced directly by the media, the Time Warner is in for it too. Ohhh, this sounds good. Like you said, the intent isn't to win but to promote Tort Reform to prevent the abuse of the legal system.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Lets all go to night school and become lawyers; that way we wont have to pay outragious lawyers fees!
Sounds like a plan to me. In only 8
years or so we will be ready to start turning the tables on the socialist gun grabbers!

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
Another good target would be the
makers of spray paint. Graffiti
destroys neighborhoods.

The manufacturers must know that they
sell too much for industrial uses.

Sue them.
Staring at your computer's CRT is not conducive to good eyesight. Let's sue the computer industry!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Horse puckey. Let's get behind the Second Amendment Foundation's lawsuit against the cities and mayors suing firearms companies, see to it that they know we're there for them and contribute whatever necessary to see them through.

I agree that armed insurrection is a MOST disagreeable alternative, the courts are the nation's only chance, let's give them this shot and realize that a final decision might take a decade.
Fighting lawyers with lawyers is a workable option. We need legal funds and planning. Open armed insurection would be devastating in many ways, The main two being:
1. New Counter Terrorism laws passed in responce would wipe out all remaining civil liberties in short order.
2. Economic Effect. Imagine the effect on the Market and investor confidence if we had footage on CNN of urban warfare taking place in New York and COIN ops going on across the continent. Bad. Couple this with the moderate reccesion we're going to have thanks to a few Y2K systems errors and hysterics.
We need legal firepower, fast. If we don't change the RPCs plans on editing our freedoms, we will see a United States that bears a close resemblance to Northern Ireland, but laking any peace settlement.
For whatever it's worth... You gotta give the antis a small bit of credit one one ground. Or maybe it's just sheer stupidity. I'll explain with a simple question. Wouldn't a group of several million gun owners be pretty damn low on your list of people to get pissed off at you?
As my old coach used to say "If stupidity hurt, you people would be in agony" I guess the anti's for more than one reason are rolling and writhing in their pain.
I agree lets play at their level

1. If city X sues a gun maker then NO gun maker, ammo dealer, gun dealer, or gun smith should sell to them until the suit is completed. Conflict of intrest you know...(when they have to send cops out with out guns or ammo they might get it)

2. If they lose a law suit we should file a counter suit to recover the legal fees.

3. Cities that ban guns should be named in a class aciton suit by everyone who was injured because the court restraining order didn't and they tried to buy a gun for protection and couldn't. For damages and infringment of their civil rights.

4. Stop selling guns and ammo to the body guards of the anti gunners if they don't want any guns around then lets not let them have any either.

5. Post lists of all the anti gunners who own guns and have CCWs on billboards and in commercials. If most of the sheepole knew that Sen Fienstien had a ccw, Sen Chuck the smuck owned two pitsols and that Sarah Bradey had a .380 and a CCW it would cut their credibility.

6. Next time one of these big time anti gun people carry a consealed weapon in a place where their licence is not valid, arrest them and proscute them.

7. Dont sell guns and ammo to the lawyers who are filing these law suits.

8. Make all the anti gun orgs (non profit dont you know) Publish their finincial statements and post them.

9. A lot of the cities who are sueing have sold surplus guns, their should be motion to have them named as a defendant in their own lawsuit.

10. File a class action law suit aginst HUD because the fences they put around most HUD housing just keeps criminals in.

and these are just thoughts off the top of my head I am sure that some out there can think of better ones.

But as always the pro gun crowd will think of a prevent/limit the dammage defence instead of an attack and take no prisoners and leave no stone or avenue unturned or unexplored offence. How many times does the prevent win football games...all it seems to do is prevent you from keeping the initive and winning.

[This message has been edited by Alan B (edited December 22, 1999).]
Even is we were to start shootin, who would we shoot first? Charles Schumer, Sarah Brady, the Klintons, Who? This SKS takaway in California is a great place to start. If a cop shows up to your door wanting your nice SKS, tell him he is not going to get it. He'll probably say fine and leave.
Yes I agree with fighting for our rights in court. I only urge that you please stay gun oriented in those trials. Yes it would be great fun to beat them at their own game, but what I worry about is their level of stupidity. You just might win that lawsuit against the alcohol companies. My rights to drink GONE. You might win that lawsuit against car manufacturers. Licenses suddenly cost ten times more and you have to be between the ages of 21 and 40 to have one.
They already got a settlement from the tobacco companies and killed Joe Camel. Stupidity seems to always win. I REALLY don't want to see us stabbed in the back once it all filters through.
I think we should start a collection and support not only those already suing to protect our rights but also some of the folks who get jailed for civil disobedience and carry guns illegally or are found owning banned guns.

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
Would someone help me out on this one?

Class action suits against the tobacco industry, cigarette makers in particular.

What about lawsuits involving individuals who chew tobacco or dip snuff? Have no people stepped up to the frivilous lawsuit batting plate on this idea, or am I that uninformed?

What a minute . . . I seem to be coming to my senses . . . YES, my amazing powers of deduction tell me that it is only a witch hunt and legal experiment, after all.

By the way, I think I might have acquired Carpal Tunnel Syndrome after all of this typing.

Packard Bell's in for it now.
Packard Bell's dead anyway, but please be my guest and kick them while they're down. On the tobacco subject I don't think they cared one way or the other. Tobacco, except for old westerns, is mostly showed in the cigarette form, so thats where they attacked.
Their 'for the children' crap made no sense because the children know smoking is bad for their health and do it anyway. The case in court was for the generation that watched commercials saying smoking tobacco was good for your health. A blatant lie by the tobacco companies.
At least that particular law suit was well founded because the companies did lie about their products, the subsequent rallies that case created were however in my eyes, nothing more or less then a witch hunt. Just another excuse to point blame on someone for a quick fix that will never work.
Gee, with all these quick fixes going on it's amazing we are doing as well as we are.

Pull the tiny Band-Aid's off and lets get down to healing this wounded country!!

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
Game? There's no game. Let the emptiest drums go on beating the loudest. Let them threaten, let them squawk, let them create new politically sensitive languages.

We have something that is stronger than anything they have...A U.S. Constitution and an entire government that is sworn to protect and defend it. If you want to sue someone, sue any elected official who violates their oath to office. Soon you will have all but 3-5 officials indicted on these charges. You then start from scratch. Flush the violators down their leftist toilets, and allow freedom to ring again.

If that doesn't work, option #1 will still be available for those that have the resolve to take freedom back.