Let's all become dope addicts or muslims

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New member
If we were muslims, it would be our religion that dictated that we take up arms against our enemies.
If we were dope addicts, everyone would pity us instead of persecuting us.

Say, Alice, is that a gun owner in the looking glass?

How long til we see an article in the paper advocating the persecution of crime?

Hah. HAH! hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha

Let's all send a package of puke to our legislators.
Sorry if unclear

It is to illustrate that gun owners are the scapegoats. We must be patsys.
It would be refreshing to see articles advocating the banning of kiddie porn instead of flash hiders.
This thread is closed. It should have been closed as soon as it was posted.

Mentioning a widely respected religion in the same breath as drug addicts or pornographers is insulting and against forum policies.

To any who may have been offended by this post remaining on this board for so long, you have my most sincere apology. :(

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