Let Us Suppose Ron Paul Wins


New member
What then?

Who would staff his cabinet?
Where would they come from?
No talk of the characteristics of the person. I want a name and an affiliation.
What cabinet? I figure he would just eliminate all but the treasury dept, perhaps keep a tiny DOD but the rest would have to go. ;)
Why play this game when everyone knows he will not get the nomination. Lets play what if I won a million dollars what would I do with it, at least there is a chance of that happening.
I agree with Xnavy. But instead, we should be playing "Which guns do I get to turn in first when Giuliani or Romney are elected?"
Its a much more likely scenario than winning a million dollars.

Also, to Brett, I am curious, what group do you think would be most likely to want to assassinate him?
But instead, we should be playing "Which guns do I get to turn in first when Giuliani or Romney are elected?"
A much more challenging idea than the Hillary version where the answer is all of them.
Let Us Suppose Ron Paul Wins

Let us suppose that unicorns and leprechauns rain down from the heavens in magic parachutes and give us all a million dollars and a free H&K G3.

Either is about as likely!

But hey, playing "If I won the lottery" is fun too, right? Futile, silly, waste of time, but... :rolleyes:

Heeeey...maybe Paul could appoint Dennis Kucinich to his cabinet, and then Paul could use Kucinich's UFOs to fight off the illuminati and freemasons!
I got one of those recorded calls yesterday from Ron Paul. I'll be voting for him in the primary because his views on the issues more closely represent my own than any of the other candidates. Not all of them, mind you, but most of the most important ones.

Thanks to our two-party system, I'll probably be faced with choosing between the lesser of two evils again come November '08. :(

Ron Paul is going nowhere but home in a couple of months. He won't even be a blip on the radar screen. He is a non factor and will continue to be one. He isn't even on the map in Iowa where Huckabee is currently polling in second place.
As OP I am exercising my privilege of slapping the forum around a little for thread drift. I ask a very simple question because I have a very simple question. To listen RP supporters his election will be the cause of all kinds of things associated with the millennium. Rescue of the republic from the clutches of the <insert political boogyman of choice>, reassertion of constitutional government, and magical appearance of good tasting fat-free donuts.

Being the practical kinda guy I am I ask myself, "Self, how's RP going to pull off all the wondrous events he is purported to want to do?" Just walking into the Oval Office seems insufficient to me. Seems to me he will need the assistance of at least a few assistants at least from the outset, at least until he can begin the dissolution of the welfare state as he has promised.

I want to know who RP will turn to to help him implement his agenda. What are their backgrounds. When did they begin their government experience or appropriate analogs. Where did they come from. Why were they chosen by RP for the task they were assigned. How will they implement their task based of previously identified experience. I am particularly interested in seeing the kind of organizations with which these individuals are affiliated. Are there universities he'll draw from which were never considered? Are there think tanks he will deplete? What law firms will surface.
I don't suppose anybody knows the answer to that question for any of the candidates.
Wrong. Talent stables of both parties are pretty well known. They consist of predictable universities, think tanks, law firms, PR companies, media organizations, publications, and NGO's. RP's talent stable is unknown, yet a president's agenda is shaped by those he enlists to help him.

I'm ask because RP is a human being and as such he will need help until the unconstitutional bureaucracy magically melts away. To focus our discussion even more so, someone just give me an idea who will show up at cabinet confirmation hearing. We'll leave the subject of judicial appointments to a later thread as well as who in congress will front his agenda.
I want to know who RP will turn to to help him implement his agenda. What are their backgrounds. When did they begin their government experience or appropriate analogs.

When I win the lottery, I wanna buy an airplane and a boat. I can go to the Mojave and get a used fighter and have it restored, that'd be cool.

Oh, wait...I'm not likely to win the lottery, so that's wasting time? You don't say!
For a guy that some say he won't, can't, When hell freezes over would never win, I see an awful lot of talk about the man. I want to see the jaws drop to the floor if he pulls it off. But its way too early yet and though most people I talk to are fed up with the lesser of evil voting thing and I also think after the Liberals in congress get done pissing off the rest of the country by the time the primary comes around the country might just be ready to support a guy like Ron Paul. And what about all the independents who are undecided. Don't think so ? Think again. Lions and tigers and bears oh my ! :eek:
Was a member here back in the 90's anyhow I am glad to see that free speech is still legal on this board. There are some others where you are not allowed to talk about Ron Paul.

Anyhow, I am not here to argue with those that hate him but listen and talk with those that don't.

As for this thread:
Andrew Napolitano has endorsed Ron Paul as the Thomas Jefferson of our time and he just might make an excellent Attorney General.
Peter Schiff a well renowned financial consultant and believer in sound money has also endorsed Dr Paul. Maybe a chief economic advisor.
Jim Guest a Missouri legislator has fought a massive battle to keep the national ID card out of Missouri and 17 other states is a staunch supporter of Ron Paul.
Unless who is trying to make a point?

I think this question is a little unfair, premature, and based on a faulty premise. Many unanswerable questions, regardless of the candidate.

Who, exactly are these established talent stables you're speaking of? If it's so easy, please perform this exercise for the so-called leading candidates Hillary and Romney, complete with individual biographies, and specific slots, as you seem to be demanding of Ron Paul supporters. We'll see how prescient you are in Feb. 2009, when the winner announces their cabinet. What names? Paul Begala? Raum Emanual? Donna Brazille? Chuck Schumer? Ted Kennedy? I'd really like to know these all-stars you have in mind. Or should I say Washington political insiders?

Or, for retrospective, take the Bill Clinton cabinet of 1993, rewind their biographies back to 1991, and give us the answers to your questions for people like Zoe Baird, Kimba Wood, or Janet Reno. Give the specific answers as to how their backgrounds uniquely estabished them for their positions!

Sure, as an outsider promoting a revolutionary agenda, RP's not going to be popular with the current DC "stable" of insiders. However, if he managed to win the election, there would be not shortage of talented, capable candidates ready to serve their country, in a staff or cabinet capacity.
Was a member here back in the 90's anyhow I am glad to see that free speech is still legal on this board. There are some others where you are not allowed to talk about Ron Paul.

That is only by the supporters' own doing, since they were spamming and hijacking every unrelated thread, until the people on those boards said "enough of this".