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New member
Oh Good Grief!

First, the picture is a fake (photoshopped or some such).

Second, plant something like that in your yard and you just might be inviting a lawsuit from your neighbor. More likely, inviting a criminal to take your guns... Worth a whole lot more than the neighbors video equipment! :rolleyes:
As gun owners and law abiding citizens who are not shying our personal resposibility to protect ourselves and help keep the peace, we also need to be polite and personable if we are to ever challenge the image of us that gets portrayed in the media. It may be tiresome to keep turning the other cheek, but standing up for our rights, and doing it in a way deserving of respect, will win us the war instead of just a battle.

That being said, I do realize that this is just a joke. But just in case someone actually decides to do something this stupid...
.... outstanding....

... because incitement to violence and/or burglary is such a great way to represent our cause as responsible gun owners...

Sure, it's amusing in a sophomoric way, but it's also something that could backfire way too easily in the hands of any anti with any skill at PR.

The debate equivalent of a fart joke.

"It's just vapid and puerile"

You've proven your supperior vocabulary skills. I don't know what they mean, but from your sarcastic tone, they can't be anything good. Rather than waist my time looking up words I'll never be sophisticated enough to use, as I never attend the ladies' tea pary at the country club, can anyone here help me out with what these words mean?
I believe okie is just trying to start a riot and Tom keeps a thesaurus beside his keyboard.
People don't talk like that..... even very smart people.
Obviously anyone with any sense would never put a sign like that in their yard.
You've proven your supperior vocabulary skills. I don't know what they mean, but from your sarcastic tone, they can't be anything good.
Sorry. English is my second language, and I've got a thing for learning neat words. A bit like a musician likes learning new chords.

(Actually, I do talk like that at times :))

My venom wasn't directed at you, but at the sign. It's funny for a moment, but when I stand back and think about it, it seems mean-spirited.
I think the sign is dumb and a lousy idea. It reflects badly on gun owners. It also tell the BG that if he watches the house with the sign carefully to make sure no one is home, he just might be able to pick up a gun or two.

A lot of non-gun people think that gun owners are all ignorant, boorish, red-neck knuckle draggers. That's of course nonsense, but a sign like that just confirms the prejudice.
CARGUY, I talk like that (and write like that -> see the rules of this forum, I wrote them) and I dropped out of high school to join the Marines!

Vapid: Lacking taste; lacking significance.
Puerile: Characteristic of a child; lacking maturity.
here's your sign

Yes, vapid and puerile.

That said, it's also categorically, insurrectionary, inordinately intemperate -though also incontrovertibly appurtenant.

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CARGUY2244 said:
Yes, vapid and puerile.

That said, it's also categorically, insurrectionary, inordinately intemperate -though also incontrovertibly appurtenant.

There's also a difference between using those sorts of words and using them correctly (or adroitly, if you'd prefer).

... I know Tom Servo in real life; he really does talk like that. English really is his second language. He isn't talking down to you. If you felt he was making you look stupid, then here's the following advice:

1) You never look more intelligent by getting your back up when it isn't necessary (please note that there are times I fail to remind myself of this truth - IE I do it too, but I try not to in my saner moments);


2) If you don't usually use words like puerile, appurtenant, etc, it is way too easy to pull such words out of a thesaurus, use them incorrectly, and make it obvious that you are grasping;


3) I have more respect for somebody who either finds the correct answer themselves, or who is able to ask for help with the problem in a genuine way, than for somebody who gets defensive because they don't know the answer, the definition, or the secret handshake.

Just my $.02
That said, it's also categorically, insurrectionary, inordinately intemperate -though also incontrovertibly appurtenant.
"Appurtenant?" I've never heard that. Brilliant! I mean that in all sincerity. I believe it was William Buckley who once did a daily column in which he would introduce readers to an obscure word. I loved that.

I'll be using "appurtenant" as much as possible in the next few days. Coleridge used it, and as we all know, he inspired Iron Maiden songs.

I once worked with Iron Maiden, and found them to be model English gentlemen. The bass player showed me how to brew crushed cardamom and mint leaves with black tea. That stuff clears the sinuses like nothing else.

Unfortunately, they can't have guns where they live, so it's unlikely that they'd have a use for such signs. Of course, with a mascot like this fellow, I doubt they run into much trouble.
I believe the singer, Bruce Dickinson, likes tanks. I saw him driving a T-34 on the telly. They wouldn't let him shoot it, though.

A marvelous appurtenance.

I'm impressed that you were able to use those words in a sentence, because they were both foreign and too difficult for me even with the benefit of a thesaurus.
I surrender to your linguistic skills.

About 10 years ago, my son's school administrator sent him home from school wearing a Thomas Jefferson shirt, with a 2nd ammendmant type quote on it. Then the school had childrens' services visit me, because my son often spoke of our shooting sport activities. The last straw was our neighbor advising the other parents in the neighborhood that our home was an unsafe environment for their kids to play. Subsequently, many of my son's friends were forbidden by their parents to come play at our home.
If you haven't been ostracized for by the anti-gunners to this extent, maybe you don't have the same taste in your mouth for this lunatic fringe that I have.

With that in mind, I really like the sign.
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