Let the Democrats know... participate in their Poll

You know, the Clinton Administration did its own research into handgun violence, and to its astonishment, discovered that handguns were used more for defensive purposes than for crimes.

Did this stop their anti-gun campaign? Newp.

Don't let me discourage you from taking part in the poll. Make your voice heard. But even if the overwhelming majority of people said they opposed stronger handgun control measures, they'd ignore it.

In the words of my buddy Forrest Gump, "Some people never change..."

Whatever happened to Cincinnatus?
This is a great example of what is wrong with the Democratic party in particular and politics in general. Instead of asking if you are in favor of gun control i.e. registration,waiting periods,etc.), they ask if you want to protect children. So basically if you are against their idea of gun control then your must be a child killer, or at least approve of it. Therefore by proxy if you support "child safety measures then you also MUST be in favor of banning "assault" weapons,registration,waiting periods, etc.
As a former Democrat (I confess), I have to say that the gun issues, more than any others, prompted me to leave the party.
They won't let me vote. I have tried several times over 2 days. Yesterday they claimed I had already voted, even on my first attempt. Today I get script error messages. Watch them rig the elections in November.

Another reformed ex-democrat.

Teach a non-shooter to shoot. Educate a voter.
Went to site, voted to oppose Democratic gun control party line. No problem. Got a "Thankyou for voting" message. Hopefully their pollsters will actually pay attention to the results and influence their employers. I wouldn´t piss on ´em if they were on fire...Tell every pro-gun person you know to vote at this site (pro-gun, of course).
My..My...My. The DNC. I felt like I was in the dragon's den and had access to all his secrets. Looks like they are trying to cloak
their shinanagins under the phrase"gun safety"

[This message has been edited by bobo (edited January 06, 2000).]
Ugh. Of course, the DNC is not interested in opposing viewpoints. After all, this poll question is loaded in favor of the viewpoint that prevails among the Democratic party elite. IOW, the poll is a sham--every bit as phoney as the gun control issue itself.

BTW, I notice that the tally of this DNC poll is not given--at least, I couldn't find it. Could the DNC be assuring itself the option of quashing an unfavorable vote?
The poll results show gun control at 1.5 percent, lowest item on the list. If our folks did that, thanks. True, they will probably pay no attention, but it should give them food for thought.

Someone noted their repeated attacks on George W. Bush. In this setting, it shows who the Democrats fear most. They don't waste time attacking Keyes or Forbes. There is a lesson here for us if we read it right.

Have ya'll read that drivel in one of Gore's gun control speeches. Heaven help us!

McCain's my guy. Just sent him $200 bucks. Easy to do, right over the internet. Try it!!

Oops. Hope I don't get in trouble. :(


[This message has been edited by Joseph (edited January 06, 2000).]
bobo -
I'm sure that the term "gun safety" is one that we'll hear more often rather than "gun control". The major media leftists have apparently already been apprised of the politically correct term to use because I've heard "safety" used in place of "control" several times in the last 10 days or so. Just one more mindgame for the anti-gun crowd to use on a public ignorant of the facts.