Lest there be any doubt...


New member
...about the level of absurdity to which we have sunk:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Lawmakers Mull Low-Flow Toilets

By Catherine Strong
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, July 27, 1999; 6:13 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Some members of Congress want to flush
away a federal law that requires new toilets to use less water.

The new low-flow commodes are intended to save water, but some
lawmakers complained Tuesday that you have to flush again -- and maybe
again -- to rinse all waste out of the bowl.

A 1992 conservation law requires less water for any new toilets installed
in homes, along with lighter sprays in shower heads. New toilets are
limited to 1.6 gallons of water per flush; the older toilets allowed 3.5

Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Mich., author of legislation to repeal the law,
testified before a House subcommittee that he has received thousands of
complaints ``from disgruntled consumers who are angry that their new
toilets repeatedly clog, require multiple flushing, and in the end do not save
water.'' Dozens of those complaints were written on toilet paper, he said.

``Their message is clear and straightforward: Get the federal government
out of my bathroom,'' Knollenberg told the House Commerce
Committee's subcommittee on energy and power.

The subcommittee's chairman, Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, said he
supported the repeal legislation and hoped to move it forward.

However, other lawmakers said water was a scarce resource that must be

Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., said the low-flow toilets also would ``reduce
the amount of dollars this country has to spend on waste treatment.''

Manufacturers say they have improved low-flow toilets in recent years.
The Plumbing Manufacturers Institute wants to keep the standard, since
manufacturers have invested in retooling for the 1.6-gallon toilets and
could be subjected to a patchwork of state and local ordinances without

George Whalen, of the National Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling
Contractors, told lawmakers that flushing toilets account for nearly 40
percent of all water consumed by an average household.

``Every day we flush more than 5 billion gallons of water down the drain,''
Whalen said, adding: ``Switching to water-efficient plumbing fixtures could
save the average household as much as $50 to $100 a year on water and
wastewater treatment bills.''

Still, the plunger has become a regular bathroom fixture for frustrated
toilets owners who are not exactly bowled over by the new commodes,
home builders testified.

``I've heard of new home owners putting instructions on their bathroom
doors for guests instructing them how to help make the toilet flush with
plungers and extra cups of water. That is absurd,'' said Gerald
Kosmensky, president of Gerald Building Co. in Southgate, Mich.

Plumbers and handymen say the old toilets may be outlawed in new
homes, but there is a black market for them because they flush better and
don't back up.

``It has gotten to the point that many Americans are crossing the border to
Canada and Mexico to purchase these now illegal toilets,'' said Glenn
Haege, a handyman who hosts a nationally syndicated radio show based
in Detroit.

The fine if you get caught, Knollenberg says, is as high as $2,500.

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press[/quote]


I urge every freedom-loving American to exercise civil disobedience by installing high-capacity septic tank feeding devices in your homes!

Oh, this is priceless.

Let me share my pain. I, too, have experienced the folly that is a low-flow toilet. My parents have one in their new home. And every time I visit them, well, my business requires multiple flushing...sniff sniff, it's horrible. I'm so ashamed. :(
I propose we at TFL form a new group to protect our rights in the crapper! Let our voices (and what have you) be heard!
If it'll save just one....oh nevermind.

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Just came across this from a Claire Wolfe article on WND:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Even agents of tyranny can be useful for

By now you've heard that Al Gore had four
billion gallons of water released from a dam
on the Connecticut River so his canoe ride
would make a more picturesque photo-op.

While this may seem an unconscionable waste,
it has produced one very useful result -- the
first scientific measurement of the worth of a
politician. I'm proud to say that this
breakthrough was made by a FreeLife reader --
and that he chose to publish it not in some
exalted scientific journal, but right here on

I hereby step aside and present the brilliant
analytic work of Norm Van Broekhoven:

Al Gore, who -- in a desperate effort
to save the last remaining drop of
clean water (and to train the
American public to acquiesce to
whatever we are told to do in the
name of "the common good") --
forced upon us non-working, 1.6
gallon-per-flush toilets --

Al Gore, who told us more honestly
than he intended: "I believe we are
on an irreversible trend toward
more freedom and democracy -- but
that could change" (Like, for
instance, if Al Gore gets elected
president) --

Al Gore, the eco-moron who
informs us that: "It isn't pollution
that's harming the environment. It's
the impurities in our air and water
that are doing it" --

The blatant hypocrisy shown by
Mr. Ecology in wasting 4 billion
gallons of water is obvious. But this
incident presents an exciting,
perhaps unprecedented,

As a hydrogeologist, I realized that
this incident gives us a rare
opportunity to quantitatively
measure the worth of a politician's
aspirations. Yes, I said quantitatively
measure. That's right -- actually,
numerically measure the worth of a

Lets do a little math.

(4 billion gallons of water)

(1.6 gallons of water/toilet full of

= 2.5 billion toilets full of crap

This proves that the effort of
keeping Al Gore afloat is worth
exactly 2.5 billion piles of crap.

Now unless someone can prove to
me that there are 2.5 billion people
who think Al Gore is worth a s---, I
say we flush him.

And there you have it. A truly breathtaking
scientific discovery.

Though this measurement is uniquely suited
to the history and proclivities of Mr. Gore, it
takes little imagination to see that Van
Broekhoven's Fundamental Unit of Political
Measurement -- the Load of Crap, or LoC --
applies equally well to other politicians.

Now the only question is: How do we
nominate Norm for a Nobel Prize?

NOTE: No FreeLife column next Thursday,
guys. I'm taking off to conspire and plot. See
you on August 12! [/quote]

An exceptional analysis, I think.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 29, 1999).]
OH for crying out loud !
What's next? Federal Toilet/Flushing Agents?

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Next there will be meters installed on toilets to confirm the flow rate. Perhaps followed up by buTTon cameras in the bowls to identify those violators unwilling to come into line.
It's too bad we all don't have a pipeline running directly from our toilets to the hallowed halls of Congress, so we can really let them know what we think!
I'll start cooking up tanks of beans!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
A seventy-man SWAT team surrounds a small white cottage just outside town. Snipers take their positions. The County Sheriff's Department cordons off the neighborhood. Six TV (satellite) trucks take up positions. The SWAT leader takes his bullhorn,....

"Okay, lady! Open up! We know you're using an extra bucket to flush your toilet! Surrender now! Don't make us come in and get you!"


If the Democrats nominate Gore for the Presidency they will be Gored on their own toilet plungers!
What's extremely scarey is the NWO plan to reduce the amount of water used by humans. A plan that could reduce human populations by several billion souls. Therefore you see, fewer human consumers equates to less water being used.

NWO Utopian Ideology 101
well i guess i'm an outlaw. i have an unregistered toilet, and i ain't turning it in!! :D

what me worry?
Longhair, They ain't talkin about our outhouses man! They wus grandfathered in a ways back! Looks to me like all of us down here will be cool!

I sho do hope they ain't havin a drought where that Gore fella pissed away all of that water though.

Regards to all and Good Shooting, Hank
Please, please. The solution to the inadequate volumetric flowrate of the 1.6gal commode tank is quite simple. Strap on a natural gas operated turbo between the tank and the bowl. Then you'll REALLY see your sh!t go down the drain.

- Ron V.


[This message has been edited by hksigwalther (edited July 29, 1999).]

It really ammazes me that Congress could mess up on a subject that they are all experts in. After all, they've been feeding it to us for years! :D
;) Tactical toilet owners unite! I have 2 pre ban high capacity models. The only modifications I have made have been to the "grip" area. Soft "grips" are a definate plus. One is a good old American Standard, high wall, 3 plus gallon magazine,aftermarket "grip" added for safety and comfort, certain internal modifications that I fear to explain here, (never know who may be reading). I enjoy using this lightly customized model on a daily basis. I seldom have ejection problems, and there are never any failures to feed. I find it highly reliable and very accurate, except in certain instances when I have had a bit too much amber ammunition. I like the standard double action (seat-up/seat down) models the best, and that is what I purchased for my home use.At work we are issued two standard double action, plus two on the wall limited action models. The work models are post ban limited capacity models. I prefer the extra power of my home models, and can honestly say I am more comfortable with the extra power they have. Since I have no class twelve federal toilet licence, I am awaiting a visit from Reno and the masked raiders to confiscate my pre-ban beauties. I am going to be in deep do-do over the raid, since I also have some furniture that I tore the tags off of. Are there any sources for pre ban high capacity replacement parts? If I replace the limited capacity upper on my (work)post ban with a high capacity upper am I in violation of federal laws? Are there restrctions concerning Cowboy Action events and equipment allowed?

Want to feel your age?Check it out. http://web.superb.net/boy/age1.html
Hank, ROTFLMAO :D :D!! dat sho is good to know!we'uns have had dat 'ol outhouse since granpa was a little'un :D

what me worry?
"You can take my Toilet but
the s**t comes first !"

Ever notice the saying
"I'm gonna take a crap"
Next time reply with :
"Hey don't" take one of mine...
The weekend's comin' up & I've only got 3 left ! ;)
"The Bum from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited July 30, 1999).]