Lessons learned...

Mr Dish

New member
Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to begin by saying what a wonderful wife I have...:D

She provided the money for my Valentines present and sent our daughter with me to pay for my new handgun at our local Sporting Goods Store. Such wonderful girls aren't they?

Anyway, the new handgun was a Walther PPK .380, complete with a laser device. The cool thing is, that pistol has actually trained me to better aim my other handguns as well. My drawing and aiming has much improved because of that lasor. The muscle memory has kicked in so that when I draw and shoot, even from the hip, I am coming pretty darn close to the mark. And I believe that is due to the empty pistol practice I have done with the Walther and its lasor.
Anyone else use a lasor for training purposes?
First things first,,,

She provided the money for my Valentines present and sent our daughter with me to pay for my new handgun at our local Sporting Goods Store.

1) Does your wife have a like-minded sister? :D

2) Congrats on a fine Valentines gift.

3) I had the opposite experience with the laser,,,
Maybe I didn't practice with it enough but it slowed me down,,,
I kept trying to put that dot exactly where I wanted the bullet to hit.

It slowed my first shot down by a lot.

Perhaps it's because I practice point shooting a lot,,,
I rely on muscle memory and timing to get that first shot off,,,
I'm not really even aiming so much as pointing my finger at the target.

After about three weeks I returned the laser equipped pistol to the friend I had borrowed it from.

I am truly glad yours is working out for you,,,
That's what it's all about isn't it,,,
Finding what works for you.

I don't carry a laser equipped pistol, but I do own one (3" 1911). If I remember, I will grab it out of the safe once a month or so.

I look across the room, pick out a doorknob or similar sized object. I point the pistol at the object (not at arm's length, nor using the sights). Then I activate the laser and see how close I was.

The first one will typically be off by up to six inches. Successive attempts will move closer to the mark, and quickly. Two to five minutes of this sharpens up muscle memory for point-shooting purposes.

That's all it takes. Even if I never carry that pistol again, it's not going anywhere. :)
Mr. Dish...
Congrats on the Wife, the Daughter, and the new Pistol. Haven't moved in to lasers yet; no strong yea or nay opinions on them, but I wish cars still had roll-up windows and I hate the climate-control in my truck...(okay, I like it in the house).

The title of your post makes me wonder...ATC?
I use a lazer the same way, and also carry one on a J-frame snub.

Not really for self defense though, since I really doubt I'd need it. I HAVE used it for very precise bullet placement in dim light. Things like shooting the head off of a rattle snake, or popping a bunny in the head so that there's enough left to eat.

For me, a handgun is a tool that can be used for self-defense, but there are other uses for it too. The lazer on a short barreled handgun makes it a bit more versatile.
