Lessons learned?.....Nah....and gutless old farts

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From Sen. Byrd (D):

Byrd refused to say how he would vote, but clearly indicated he was prepared to let Clinton remain in office.

``In the interests of our country, I may come to the conclusion that we should not remove him from office.''


Guess even the Democrats don't want America "Gore-ed"... ;)
OK, folks. It's time to put up or shut up. Contact your senators. Get every one you know to contact them. Especially if your senator is a democrat. We have got to flood them. Write, call, e-mail! They have got to be convinced that their job is on the line if we are to have any hope of getting rid of Clinton. Saving their own butts is the only way any democrat is going to vote guilty. And if the SOB does get off, be sure to remember come election time in 2000. So get busy!
"If power corrupts, it does so with mediocrities who by chance acquire power, as had XXXXXX. XXXXXX was one of those sons of privilege who had failed to acquire the moral strengths needed in a ruler. He was self-indulgent, and indulging his appetite for food, he grew fat. In appearance he was ugly, which might have contributed to his becoming mean. Being a man of little emotional discipline or control, he allowed himself to hate and to express his hate with sadistic revenge. He behaved as if he believed he had license. He followed his sexual impulses with little restraint."
Things haven't changed too much it seems. No this isn't WJC, but the subject of this article sure sounds like our pres.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Both of my Senators are Reps. and I don't think they will vote to let Klinton off. The only thing I can do is change Parties. I have been a Dem. for 29 yrs, always voted conservatively or though I did.In Okla. Dems. for the most part are conservatives, That is why Reps. in office. How do I convence the people that are represented by Ted(killed her with a car) Kennedy to vote him out of office?How about Byrd, he knows the truth and will support Klinton. Make me want to give up.(thats what they want)I just don't know who they are.
Stay Safe.
I understand your frustration. Here in Tennessee my two senators are both republicans (Fred Thompson & Bill Frist), both are very pro-gun and both can't stand Clinton. I know they will vote guilty. My House represenative is Ed Bryant. Also very pro-gun and his is one of the house managers prosecuting Clinton. The people of my district, my town, my community did it right. We voted and elected men who held the same beliefs as us. And yet, here I sit in the same B.S. situation as all of you. Oh, how I wish I could make Schumer, Fienstein and all the rest of that lot listen to me. But my hands are tied. I don't live in their state and they couldn't care less about my opinion. It's sooooo frustrating!!

(OK, OK, slow deep breath now. Rant mode off)
You guys are lucky. I"ve got Grassly, He will do the right thing. Then there is that A**hole Tom Harkin.
I think he is running for Vice President for the Dems.
Harkin doesn't think he needs to listen to anyone in his home state, he can fool the cities into voting for him by (What Else) lying about how he voted and why he acted as he did. He would vot Klinton Inocent if we had pictures of him raping a 12 year old.

The oath is very similar to the one the President elect takes.
The same things about swearing to protect and uphold the Constitution, etc.

However, its painfully obvious that the "Feds" think nothing is wrong with lying, falsely swearing under oath and whatever else
enters their minds.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"