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Bud Helms

Senior Member

How about a forum for the LEOs to get together, closed to all but them and moderators and admins?

Mail-in or FAX credentials for registry in the closed forum.

Any use?
Not in your lifetime. ;) We thought about it once before. However, LEO's are citizens first, and LEO's second. We wouldn't have a "Trainers Only" private Forum or a "Competitors Only" private Forum either.

LEO's who wish such privacy may try Mad Dog's site, http://www.tacticalforums.com

Rich is gone til the 27th...so you won't get an answer from him til then.

In his stead...
TFL is an open and public forum, the goal is to bring together all RKBA supporters and firearms enthusiasts, from all walks of life sans exclusivity. LEO Only is exclusive, elitist and by existence engenders distrust and divisivness within the community we want to attract and serve. RKBA is an inherent rifht to all.

You aren't at all being slammed....your suggestion has come up a few times...that type of forum is not our goal, nor are we (staff in toto) qualified or even cleared for that.
Not too long ago, our country was one of equality and independence, regardless of one's particular job. TFL takes a lot of flak for adherences to our set rules...so be it, but we will never be guilty of exclusivity or caste consciousness

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Thanks DC.

I didn't feel slighted in any way. I took Rich's reply in stride and I understood his answer.

I was just befuddled by the other replies.
I believe they were thanking for confirmation of original stated mission
Yeah, I think that was the case..

We've discussed LEO only, Women Only, Even and "Anti-Gunner" forum over the last 18 months... all of which have been shot down as going against the primary purpose of TFL.