LEO's, and all Justice System employees

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I am curious as to your stance on these groups?

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Police and Military Against the New World Order

I am an anti-prohibition activist, as well as a Libertarian activist.

I would like to know, since this forum is so heavily populated with LEO's, what the conscensus is among you on these groups.

I think LEAP is a great beginning to a much needed movement by law officers against unjust prohibition, and removal of liberty via force against our constitutional rights to consume what we own, into bodies that we own.

I think P&MANWO is on the right track, but I question some of the movements facts and methods.

What do you think?

I am interested in honesty, constructive criticism.
I am not interested in being preached to, villianized, marginalized or treated as ignorant, due to my beliefs.

Thanks for your time, your input is very valuable to me.
As far as LEAP goes, I agree with them in priciple, but feel they are are kind of like the JPFO, small, loud, and pretty much impotent. They, like the other organization I mentioned, have a LOT of good ideas, but they fall short of actually doing anyhting other than make noise, often due to their extremist stance. Is it right that it works this way? Of course not, but such is the way of the world.

I cannot comment on the other group, as I have no working knowledge of them.
Yes, lets lock up all the addicts, while the real criminals who peddle this crap roam free. Lets use my time as an Officer arresting, booking, transporting, and testifying against a 18 yr old with a nickel bag, when the guy who sold the pound to the guy the 18 yr old bought it from goes free, since he can afford a good lawyer.

We do not dare to educate, and de-sensationalize drug use, to take the appeal away, that would only serve to render the DEA a useless administrative appendage. We certainly cant have that.

Yes, lets lock away all the druggies. Our prisons are only about 110% full right now.
I'm for locking up all the druggies and throwing away the key.

What good is that going to do them? They are, admittedly by their own fault, addicts not criminals (of course those who steal and murder to get dope money are another story)
Doug, the ones who steal and murder are exactly the same story, a byproduct of a failed system. While I may agree with the supposed end of the War on Drugs, the means do not justify it, especially when the end will never be seen.

Prohibition was tried, and it didnt work, it served only to create criminals where there were businessmen. The only difference between then and now was that the nation realized that it was not working, and stopped it.
I'm for locking up all the druggies and throwing away the key
. If those of you hardline types dont get on board and start fighting for every mans rights, your going to lose your guns. We can either be free or we can let the government be our parents. Look at the damage prohibition 1 and prohibition 2 has done to our right to bear arms. As long as you let the government decide who gets to do what your gun rights are allways going to be in check.

Something for you to think about cool dude.
I would also like to ask about your stances on prohibition of inanimate objects, or actions that don't violate the rights of others.

I am trying to see if many LEOs support the reversal of prohibition laws, especially for drugs that are in my, and many professional opinions, mis-ranked, like Marijuana.

I think these laws are a dis-service to LEOs because it asks them to risk life and limb to enforce laws that are questionably, if at all, Constitutional, and certainly not affecting the rights of others when limited to aquisition and consumption of drugs.

People are still able to be held responsible for their actions, regardless of whether drugs or alchohol are a contributing factor to the action.

This is strictly a curiousity thing, and this is the most well managed forum that I know of that has access to several LEOs, where I could broach the topic and expect more than the typical "official answer" that represents the department for which the people were affiliated.

I appreciate the reply.
Let's try a simple, yet brutally effective transposition:

"I'm for locking up the gun-nuts and throwing away the key."

"I'm for locking up the Juden and throwing away the key."

"I'm for locking up the gays and throwing away the key."


Cops, in my extensive experience, don't care about whether a law is right or not. They care about the law to the extent of their job, which is to find, arrest, and help prosecute lawbreakers. "If you don't like it, use your vote to change it!" is something you will here as a constant refrain. In other words, it must be enforced, because it is the law!
Heist, regardless of your extensive experience, you really need to verify that every cop cares not as to the constitutionality of a law before you say as much. I would agree with some, might even be persuaded into most, but no way I am going to agree with all. I personally know one exception to the rule.
Prohibition does not work. That is a fact.

I don't think there should be prohibition laws because they don't work. That is an opinion.

Federal drug laws are unconstitutional and morally wrong and DEA agents are criminals as much as drug users are. That is an opinion.

As a cop on the street, you are generally enforcing state/local laws, so the unconstitutional part is out, and you have to enforce the law reguardless of personal opinion.

People who want other people locked up and "thow away the key" solely because they as adults decide to use a certain plant extract the .gov has deemed unsafe, well, I think we should lock you up and throw away the key. If you are LE, that is really disgusting. Criminals are those that harm the rights of others, not themselves.
That is perhaps one of the dumbest opinions I have seen in a while.

Really? Where in the constitution does the Federal Government have the authority to enact anti-drug laws? They claim it's somewhere in that part dealing with authority to regulate interstate commerce. Perhaps you can explain to me how someone who takes a seed from a plant they find on their property, cultivate it on their property, and smoke it on their property, is taking part in interstate commerce in any reasonable way.

If you can't, then those agents are acting in violation of the constitution and violating the guys rights when they kick down his door and shoot him, something I find far more criminal than the actions of the guy smoking a stupid plant.

But like I said, that's my opinion, if you have a different one I am not going to say it's "dumb".
I have not come to a final personal opinion on drug laws. Do I care if Joe is smoking a joint in his house? No, not at all. Do I care that Joe is snorting cocaine in his house? That one's not so cut a dried for me. Now, on one hand I usually go with the "it's the actions you take" stand on issues. For instance, there is nothing wrong with a person carrying a gun until they misuse it. So, consistency would dictate that I take that same opinion on all drug use, right?

But am I willing to say that any drug you want to use is ok, as long as you don't hurt anyone? I can't quite make myself think that. And, no I can't tell you exactly why. At best, I think I could get behind laws similar to alcohol laws. I'm fine with someone having a drink. I'm even fine with someone getting plastered at home, I guess. But I just can't say that about ALL drugs for some reason.
Blackwater, no my opinion was your characterization that DEA Agents are criminals in the same vein as drug users. And, yes it is just as dumb as the 1st time I read it.
Blackwater, no my opinion was your characterization that DEA Agents are criminals in the same vein as drug users. And, yes it is just as dumb as the 1st time I read it.

No, you're a dummy!:rolleyes: Is this more your style of discussion?
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