LEO Unions (FOP)

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Every time I e-mail Sharrod Brown(one of my Senators) about a 2A issue I get a reply to the effect of 'police unions support this restriction and I am committed to supporting our police officers." I have yet to personally meet a police officer who supports assault weapons bans etc.

Most are pretty pro gun, borderline gun nuts at least. What gives? WHy can't/don't police officers control their unions? Maybe it is just my area where LEO are progun. I sort of feel like I am getting stabbed in the back by the LEO community every time I get this reply.
You might send a letter asking different police unions if they support the positions of Senator Brown. I doubt you get any response.

The problem is that the letter seems pretty broad. If their are 50 police unions and only 2 support his position he is technically correct in saying that "police unions support his position".

You could send him a letter back asking which police unions support his positions.
I wouldn't give much credence to FOP or the Chief of Police association, they are pretty far left.

My FOP lodge endorsed Obama without a vote when his support amongst the troops in my opinion is only about 20%.
So why are you in the organization? Your guys could form their own local union, pay a lot less dues and have just as much bargaining power for theri wages. They would lose out on their lobbyists at state and pork for pork, but are they all that proud of their federal and state subsidies? I would be VERY ashamed if I was in any of the national unions I know of.

Even more so had I taken an oath my union was working hard to break.
For the most part, cops are pretty pro gun. Administrators, chiefs and Sheriffs on the other hand are political creatures and tend to be more in favor of strict regulations. YMMV.
For the most part, cops are pretty pro gun. Administrators, chiefs and Sheriffs on the other hand are political creatures and tend to be more in favor of strict regulations. YMMV

What he said. They don't speak for the rank and file officers.
well, the chief and sheriff in my area are pro gun, but that is sort of irrelevant here. I assume that the FOP, like most unions, does not include administrators. I guess there is another sort of union for chiefs and such in ohio, but why does FOP support gun control. THis goes beyond just supporting democratic candidates. If they supported pro-labor democrats but did not support them on gun issues I would be ok on that. Heck in Ohio Democrats are nearly as progun as republican. Why are they supporting specific gun control measures is my question.
Have you asked Senator Brown if he would consider supporting "We, the people"? Senators have sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution, not police unions and associations.
I do allot of work in jails in the northern midwest. Most staff doesn't seem to really like the union. They only belong because they have to.

The Law Enforcement Alliance of America IS THE POLICE organization that IS pro-second ammendment AND helped get LEOSA HR-218 passed .

It is LEAA that said NO to the Clinton Gun Ban and works closely with the NRA.

REAL Street Cops support the 2nd ammendment and CCW . They understand what must be done to control crooks and defend yourself.

When seconds count.......Cops are just MINUTES away !
I've let this run a bit, to see if anyone could link a legal or civil right issue out of this otherwise purely political thread... Hasn't happened.

Closed as off topic.
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