Leo says she feared using gun ...

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It is pretty sad that law enforcement can't enforce the law because they seem to be turning into the same hand wringers that so much of our society is.

and civilians are being put in a bad position by all the PC nonsense being pushed by the media.

Ahhhh if they are concerned about the PC crap the media is presenting and it affects their reaction in the least they need to rethink possibly who they are. Sounds like stepping over to the victim side of the equation, because they don't seem to be firmly against being one would be prudent for them. Much less stress that way and maybe their new friends can share their safe place with them.

For me it is pretty cut and dried. Know where the line is for use of force. If you are pushed over that line, use force. I carry to protect myself, NOT for a false sense of security. I got over being called names in grade school, big boy rules now apply.
Ridiculous to say the least. Too many of our elected officials, including the current occupant of the White House, do not back our law enforcement officers. They prefer to be politically correct and cater to Black Lives Matter and similar groups. When the police have to constantly look over their backs and and worry about being politically correct in defending themselves and the citizens they endanger themselves and the very people they are supposed to protect.
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