Lendringser, Tamara...

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Now there are three of us! :)
I got a call from my regular shop about an hour ago informing me that my new Taurus 731 Ultra Light had arrived. Twenty minutes later, I was filling out the paperwork and 15 minutes after that, I was walking out with my new .32 H&R magnum snub. It seems like it's just the right weight. Naturally, I haven't had time to go to the range and try it out yet, but it sure looks nice! Ammunition was easy to get also.
Happiness is a new snubbie!!

Kentucky Rifle
Very nice! Congratulations!

The 731 is definitely a cute little bugger. Get the speedloaders for it, HKS J-32. The little .32 Magnum sixpacks look kind of cool.

It's definitely a more eclectic snubbie choice than a .38, but I already had a few of those, and any caliber addition to the gun safe is a good one. Wait until you try it out at the range...that little cartridge has a lot more zing to it than you might think.
that little cartridge has a lot more zing to it than you might think.

I'll second that!

Oh, and the Federal loads in this caliber will leave your hands and the gun just filthy; it's worth it, though. That one extra *bang!* from a snubbie is awful fun. ;)

Lendringser: Gotcha on the HKS J-32 speedloader. I'll look for one this weekend. I already own a couple of .38 Specials too. I've read about the .32 H&R magnum for quite a while. I just couldn't find the right pistol. The last Taurus I found that was chambered for the .32 mag was a stainless steel snub, but it weighed over 23 ounces! Can't hardly wait to feel that "zing"! :) (Although my wife's Taurus Total Titanium .38 Special snub has GOT to have more recoil, and it's not too bad at all.)

Tamara: Filthy, eh? I wonder if the 100 gr., .32 Mag JHP that Georgia Arms offers is "cleaner"? Also, do you wear your Taurus in a concealment holster? If so, which model? I'm kinda looking at a Don Hume D.A.H. That's the model that you can wear as a SOB or a high-ride, strong side hip model.

I haven't fired any of the Federal .32 Mag stuff yet--got some in a cabinet in the basement, I think...but the Georgia Arms stuff isn't too bad in regard to the fouling...MUCH BETTER than ANYONE'S .32 S&W Long ammo!!! What a B#st&rd to clean, at least from my SP101!!!....mikey357