Leisurely stroll


You're out walking your dog and you are enjoying the fresh air. You are carrying your CCW and cellphone.
You are near a pond, when you notice a man and a woman struggling near the water.
No big deal, you figure, but for some reason you wander a little closer to over hear what is going on.
All of a sudden, the man makes a fist and punches the lady and she falls to the ground.
You go for your cellphone to call the cavalry...and from near the bushes, come running full speed ...two unleashed dogs.
The man points at you, and the dogs veer towards you and your dog....what do you do?
Unleash my dog, neutralize his dogs; hopefully without drawing. Then see how it plays out from there. In some places, his sickin his dogs on you would give you reason to shoot him, other places not.

For starters, the 2 dogs better be really big and mean to deal with my overprotective Great Dane. One good deep-chested growl from him and most dogs back up in their tracks. He's killed a couple of strays that wandered into the yard and threatened the kids.

In my state, I cannot legally get involved at this juncture because I do not know the circumstances of the argument. That whole "put yourself in the shoes" philosophy. It sounds as though it has been ongoing. Maybe she threatened him. Maybe she pulled a knife. Maybe he's the kind of guy who needs to be shot (or maybe the Great Dane assists here), but with a cell phone handy I'm callin' the cavalry first.

If he insists on pummelling her, I'm probably going to suggest that he step back and survey the damage he's done. If she's obviously incapacitated, my concern becomes that he does not kill her with me as his witness. I know I'm already legally obligated as a witness to the A&B, but a murder trial is a whole different story. Lots of variables from about the time my dog gets involved to the end. Who knows how it plays out?

If the 2 dogs don't stop in their tracks after seeing my Staffordshire Terrier, then I'd keep ahold of his leash while he keeps them at bay and use my ASP if they get too close to me.I couldn't let him off his leash because the police might shoot him thinking he is one of the attacking dogs.In my town the police are not hesitant in shooting any Pit Bulls or Staffordshire Terriers that growl at them.As for the man, I'd stay there to make sure he doesn't do anymore harm but many times the girlfriend or wife will be enraged at someone who calls the police on their significent other.That's when you have to watch your back.
shoot the dogs

I would shoot the 2 dogs and if that doesnt scare the %^*% out of him then (and even if it does) I call the cops.