Legend of Sleepy Hollow

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Good movie.
Has some good leasons for self defense in it too.
1. If you can, Run.
2. Have a Gun.
3. Have a gun that can fire more than once.
4. Fire until the guy is down - then run. (For Help - or in this case into a Church)
5. Johny Depp is a wuss.

I wont get into it anymore than that - Not like my over long Matrix review... But this was a fun movie... Worth it. Dont take kids.
Oh - anyone catch that early scope device that one guy had on his musket? Looked like a model One Aim point (joke). Any one have a history on such a device/gunsight?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I don't think firing more rounds would help in this one. You would have need to disintegrate
that dude. Unless you can pull off the dreaded
pelvis shot.

You certainly can't Mozambique the Headless Horseman.

Question - did they have sights like Brom Bones had on his gun in those days?

Love it - saw it twice!
I think more shots would keep him knocked down...
I suggest a MK 19.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud