Legality of folding stocks

Futo Inu

New member
Looking in new Cabela's 2000 Shooting catalog, page 89, at the following:

"Folding-Style Stocks [for Ruger 10/22] - Synthetic plug locks arm extension to comply with federal gun-control legislation. Plug cannot be removed. Available in [....]"

I read this as "Plug cannot be removed. [wink. wink.]" Am I right? Easily removable if a criminal so desired?

(I for one would support legislation to "plug" that loophole, so to speak. For the children. Cuz those folding stocks make an otherwise harmless gun jump into someone's hands and start blazing away - 'nuf sarcasm - my question is real, though).

I guess the topic is really "Do you know about this 10/22 stock" instead of "Legality of folding stocks". Sorry.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited January 26, 2000).]
These actually are the old folding stocks that have had the spring-loaded push-button release mechanism removed and replaced with the plug that "cannot be removed". If somebody put it there, somebody can take it out, the only thing is trying to rig up a dependable sturdy replacement lock mechanism to replace the solid plug that you had to drill out.
I agree with you that folding stocks should be outlawed, they are very dangerous, I got my finger pinched one time and it gave me a very nasty blood blister :(
