legality of building a flintlock machine gun

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In most states flint locks are not classifid as firearms

What about a flintlock gatling gun?


Many times i have heard the following:
"The founding fathers,
when writing the Second Amendment,
could never have forseen the machine gun" Gun.jpg

The Puckle gun was a British flintlock machinegun invented
by James Puckle in 1718. It took a nine- round revolving
block, was mounted on a tripod and was designed to be
portable and especially to prevent an enemy boarding a ship.
An unusual feature was that it fired square bullets.

James Puckle (c. 1667-1724) was a notary-public and
also an author, his best-known work - reprinted as recently as
1900 - being The Club, a moral dialogue between a father
and son. His 'portable gun or machine called a defence' -
designed to fire round bullets against Christians and square
ones against Turks - is one of his only two known ventures in
the field of military technology (the other being a sword
concerning which no details are recorded). In 1717 it was
rejected for government use after trials at Woolwhich, but,
despite this, he obtained a patent on 15 May 1718, and then
made strenuous efforts to market the gun, raising a
company for this purpose in 1721. In March, 1722 the
Daily Courant carried an advertisement for 'Several sizes
in Brass and Iron of Mr. Puckle's Machine or Gun, called a the Workshop thereof, in White-Cross-Alley,
Middle Moorfields'. At the end of the same month the
London Journal reported that at a demonstration of one
of the guns 'one Man discharged it 63 times in seven Minutes,
though all the while Raining; and that it throws off either
one large or sixteen Musquet Balls at every discharge
with very greatForce'


1 November

James Puckle of London, England, demonstrated his
new invention, the "Puckle Gun," a tripod-mounted,
single-barreled flintlock gun fitted with a multishot
revolving cylinder. This weapon fired nine shots per
minute at a time when the standard soldier's musket
could be loaded and fired but three times per minute.
Puckle demonstrated two versions of the basic design.
One weapon, intended for use against Christian enemies,
fired conventional round bullets, while the second variant,
designed to be used against the Muslim Turks, fired square
bullets, which were believed to cause more severe and
painful wounds than spherical projectiles.
The "Puckle Gun" failed to attract investors and never
achieved mass production or sales to the British armed
forces. One newspaper of the period observed following
the business venture's failure that "those are only
wounded who hold shares therein." (1718)
a puckle is not a gattling gun:

Essentially a very early revolving cannon, the Puckle Gun was designed in 1717.
It features a hand revolved chamber of six to twelve rounds and a single fixed
barrel. You fired the the first chamber, unwound the breechlock, rotated
another chamber up to the breech, wound up the breechlock and fired again.
The weapon fired "One Large or Sixteen Musquete Balles", in other words,
shot or grape. This weapon is either match or flintlock
As far as Federal law goes you can have a gatling gun. The easy way is to weld a few ak's on to a platform and then fire them with a BMF trigger activator.
My understanding is that you can still legally obtain old-style Gatling Guns, there's at least one company that still makes them. Do a search, there should be a link to their site. Beautiful stuff, but tres expensive.
I think the patents on the Puckle have expired, so have fun. It is not a machinegun, or even a Gatling type, as the cylinder has to be manually rotated. Actually, it would be perfectly legal even with fixed ammunition, but would be a "firearm" like any manually operated rifle or shotgun. With flint or percussion, not firing fixed ammunition, it would not even be a gun.

As DZ says, the crank on the Puckle does not rotate the cylinder or fire the chamber, it turns on a screw to bring the chamber in against the end of the barrel and eliminate the barrel-cylinder gap seen in most modern revolvers. The Russian Nagant revolver uses a variation on the idea.

Good luck.

The easy way is to weld a few ak's on to a platform

Wouldn't that fall under the heading of "manufacturing" a firearm?

Alltough I don't think much of it for serious defense, I've always wanted to build a .22 Gatling gun. Just for serious fun! :D
Whoa! :eek:

No, I hadn't seen that. COOL!

GottahaveoneGottahaveoneGottahaveone! :D

I was thinking of a minature version of the Custer era guns, but this is definitely a thing of beauty.

Thanks for the pic!

Now, the American 180, that's also on my wish list. Sort of a cross between a Lewis gun and a Thompson, in .22 caliber. Fella in Santa Ana California, quite a few (20?) years back gave the PD a bit of grief with one. He used one of the trigger guard cranks and a cordless drill to make a rather impressive sprayer of lead. 1500 rounds will keep their heads down for awhile.

They did get him, though.
Can't get the server to respond - will try later.

Hey, if you've viewed it once, it's on your hard drive. It's an MPEG, so it will be in your cache folder. (If it's been awhile since you've seen it, it's probably not there anymore.) Go ahead and watch it, then do a search on *.mpg and *.mpeg on your C: drive, and you should find it. It may be named something weird, like mkslt56.mpg or something, but it will be there. Find it, rename it, and put it somewhere esle. THen you can watch it anytime without waiting for a download.