Legalities of full auto range?

Jamie Young

New member
Are the reasons people don't allow full auto at ranges all about insurance costs?

Or does a range have to be licensed to allow it?

My gun club use to allow it years ago but has since stopped.
1. In my area no such rules/regulations regarding full auto fire.
2. Insurance regulations.
3. Inexperience shooters.

Kenneth Lew
Same rules as Kenneth Lew in my city, long as you have money put it in the magazines.
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I believe it tends to be more about ignorance than anything else. Some ranges around here allow machineguns and some do not simply because the owner has little or no knowledge of NFA weapons or machineguns. Most of the public ranges have a rule against "rapid fire," even with a semi-auto, though it is not really directed at machineguns. It's to keep the low skill folks from hosing the range and fellow shooters with their AR trying to shoot like they do on TV.

AFAIK, at least in this area, a gun range is a gun range and there are no extra insurance requirements if they allow machineguns. There are no local or state laws that prevent them. Strictly up the the owner of the range.
Ken has it pretty much dead on...

I will say that a town out this way actually was going to BAN full auto fire int the town and at the local range...they ended up just banning the use of full auto by anyone under 21.

Most of the time it's the dreaded "compromise" the "fuds" have no use for machine guns, and often times hate NFA owners more than they hate the anti-gun crowd.
My local outdoor range went a step further and doesn't allow "Military Type or Style guns" A rule I cannot even begin to tell you what's wrong with, But its their range to drive into the ground I hope someone inherits it and tries to get the actual customers back, I think maybe 2-3 people go there now they shoot those Bright colored Olympic type guns. Sheeesh, I really want to open my own local and get my Class 3 and offer Machine gun Rentals and mandatory 1 on 1 Instruction, 2 other ranges in this part of the state already do it.
There are some ranges that allow rapid fire, and I do believe it serves a purpose. When I go to the range with my pistol, I practice rapid fire drills (2 rounds in 2 mags, shoot rapid double tap at short range, reload, and shoot another double tap). I believe it's a good way to practice a reload, and get back onto the target, and accuratly shoot again. Slow fire might be good for accuracy shooters, but not defense shooting. I won't go to ranges that wont let me rapid fire, because I can already shoot well slowly. Im not just "hosing a target." Sometimes I do run through a magazine rather fast, but at 7 meters, I shoot a ragged hole, and each round is aimed. Engaging an attacker at 7 meters who is intent on injuring/killing you is to deliver fast, accurate shots. The only way to be able to do that, is to practice it. Now, I know a pistol isn't a FA gun, but I find those kind of rules to be annoying. Anyhow, why are you going to a range if you dont want to hear gunfire?
We (Coal Creek Armory) not only allow full auto weapons on our range, but we also RENT them to customers after they've signed a waiver and have had a two part orientation with the firearm they are renting. We rent Colt M-16s, HK MP5s, Uzis, Glock 18s as well as other goodies that we are adding to the inventory on a regular basis.

Cost is $20 per weapon and you must use our ammo.
czarshel (sp) thats kind of funny that they dont allow military style guns, because I dont think i can think of almost any kind of gun that is not military style. the seals carried the S&W 686 that i shoot regularly, and my friends HK could definetly be considered military style too. did they ever actually define military style?