Legal Transfer of Heirloom in NJ


My father recently passed away and left two guns behind, a colt pistol and shotgun. I have a firarms purchaser identification card. How can a I legally take possession of these firearms in NJ?

Consult a lawyer but, if you are the executor and you have legal standing to purchase/own firearms, they are yours. You only need to have an FFL transfer them IMO. NJ is different from the rest of the world so I again suggest consulting a lawyer.
What a bunch of crap.

The differences in various freedoms even between the states never ceases to amaze me.

You have to have a FFL transfer for property you inherited ?

Thank God I live in the South...
When I went to NJ, I was talking to some guys there who are gun owners, when I told him how easy it is to buy/own/carry a gun in florida they both said its crazy and that they would hate it in florida, saying too many idiots would have guns... these were gun owners who want more gun laws???
