Legal to purchase?


New member
As a Md resident, can I purchase a stripped lower receiver in VA or is it considered regulated in Md? Would I need to have it shipped to my local FFL and do the whole 7 day wait or can I just go buy it through a Va FFL and have it the same day?
I can't speak to MD or VA law, but under federal law it may be ok. FWIW, I don't think either MD or VA have any state law prohibitions that would prohibit such a sale, but I'm not 100% sure.

Under federal law, however, it would be permissible to buy the lower in VA if (and only if) at the time of sale it was logged out as a rifle and you didn't assemble it as a pistol. Under federal law an FFL in one state can sell long guns directly to the resident of another state if there are no state law prohibitions to the contrary and the sale complies with the law of both states. Neither an FFL nor a private individual in one state may sell a handgun directly to an individual in another. Thus, if you intend to assemble it as a pistol, have the seller send it to an FFL in your state to transfer it to you. If you only intend it to be used as a rifle, then you can probably buy it directly from the FFL in VA.