Legal Reprocutions

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I hope it never comes do it, but if i ever were to kill someone (justifiably)
would i go to jail? What are some curcimstances that are justifiable through law? If i was in a 7-11 and it was being robbed but he didn't see me yet if i shot that person and he was armed would i go to jail for murder or manslaughter? If so i need to sell my guns and give me license back because i don't trust anyone. I think if i can carry a gun and never get made even though i'm legal how many people are carring that arn't legal. I'm a very suspicouos person also I always think people are doing things that may hurt others or me. Is this normal?

Thanks for your input and don't be too harsh on me.
Inasmuch as we have 51 legal systems in this country-50 states plus the
Federal Government, and in some states you have anti-gun cities and counties versus other more pro gun areas, I think you best answer you questions by speaking to experienced LEOs and criminal attorneys in your state.
Totally inappropriate for TFL in any forum.

Go talk to a lawyer in your home town or see a friendly LEO nearby.

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