Legal question


New member
I recently ordered some form 1s and fingerprint cards because I am considering converting my ar-15 and my PS90(when I get it) into SBR. This is a first for me and my question is that I got a DUI in Pa a few years ago which went through ARD(this is a first offender program that while you are still punished for the crime it lets you off the hook legally and keeps your record clean). I am free and clear of this now and have had no other legal problems ever before or since. I read through the NFA forms and all the questions and so forth and found no reason that I can not go ahead with this. Has anyone else dealt with this? Am I being paranoid or am I wasting my time.

PS I have boughten firearms legally since then and have gotten my carry permit back, no problems there
If you can legally buy a handgun chances are you will have no problems being approved for NFA. The only hitch is the local CLEO signoff. It is pretty much his discretion who gets a signature and who doesn't.
Mental health illnesses will get you denied. The ATF checks everything, and takes up to 90 days here in Indiana. Federal and state checks are for criminal records.
A DUI shouldn't be a problem UNLESS your local chief of police or CLEO knows about it and thinks it may be a problem allowing you to have a full auto. As Boofus said, its completely discretionary as to whether they sign the F1, so while a DUI would not legally preclude you from owning one, it might make getting a local CLEO signature a little more difficult.
The Sherrif did approve my carry permit after it happened. You would think that a SBR would be less of a concern than that even.
I have a friend in another state who likes full auto

his sheriff will not sign off at all. His solution was to form a corporation, it seems a corp. can get the tax licsense too and the sheriff does not have to sign... I could be wrong but I think that's the way he explained it.
Blume, that is an good way of doing it and that may be my next step if I am turned down. The only drawback is that if you want to keep your NFA stuff forever you have to keep up the corp. forever