Legal question: can I bring firearms to Germany from United States

cornered rat

In 1944 the answer was "Hell, yes!"

Today, I wonder. When I go to Germany next spring, I would like to bring one or two K-frames for my cousins to keep. Does anyone know what kind of legal hoops I will have to jump or if that is even possible?

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
Yes, you can - I came back from Germany in 1997, and you could then - but you have to belong to a German gun club (or whoever you are giving it to does). If your cousins are working for the U.S. Govt over there, it is relatively easy - there are all sorts of military gun clubs at the bases open to US govt employees, military or civilian, with nominal dues. I belonged to a club in Bonn - and German gun clubs ain't cheap. Call the nearest German consulate or embassy for the latest rules and regulations, as well as getting the proper paperwork.
Wie geht es Ihnen Rat?

Maybe you can stop off in Oberndorf and bring me back a few goodies, but then again I dont think you could ever get them into this country.

Thanks anyway, Ober.

Contact the State Dept. in Washington, D.C. They have the paperwork for a once in a lifetime export license. Your cousins have to fill out paperwork on their part showing that they may legally possess the stated firearms. Said paperwork from your cousin must also be translated to English. It is a lengthy process (takes about two months) but is very possible.

One thing, your cousin should research whether you can personally bring the guns in your luggage. You may have to ship them Fed-Ex to the customs house in Germany.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If you succeed, save every piece of paper you have and get to prove the firearms originated in the United States so you can return with them.

It's not as hard as it sounds and I have personal experience in this matter since I've exported rifles to a German friend. ATF has no jurisdiction in this area. It is a matter that your cousins get licensed by the government (which requires membership in a gun club, extensive testing, and after one year, certification by the club president that you are qualifed). Afterwards, they must contact the goverment for a permit to own specific firearms and once that permit is granted, then they may acquire one. A copy of that permit along with a translation into English is submitted to the State Department for that Once-In-A-Lifetime export license. The State Dept. is easy to deal with provided that you have your paperwork complete.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt