Dang another article to get my shorts in a wad! Our local paper had a short article written by a student about a neigboring counties school policy of searching student vehicles. They will have a secretary pick a number from 1-9. Any student who has a vehicle with that number in their parking sticker will have their vehicle searched. The student went on to report matter of fact that "it's being done for our safety"! Being a child of the 60's and a card carrying SOB to boot I had to write a letter to the editor. I claimed that this was a violation of our constitutional rights and unreasonable search and seizure. I also lamented the lack of Constitutional education on the part of the students and stated that if it had happened during my time a revolt would have followed. Am I right? Or is there a new law or executive bubba order I'm not familiar with? I'd appreciate your thoughts. All I know is that I have a 17 year old with a car and if they try to search her vehicle without probable cause and a search warrent, I'm calling a lawyer! Is this happening elsewhere, and are people blindly letting it happen?