Legal Governments

Jim V

New member
While the following article will have little to do with the US, those members in Australia, Canada and New Zealand may find it interesting. Those three countries MAY not have legal governments and have not had legal governments since they gained their independence from Mother England. When they became independent there was no break in the government policies and procedures as required to make the change in Governments. When Hong Kong reverted to the Chinese, one minute before midnight the Crown Colony was under British law and one minute after midnight they were under Chinese law, the break needed to affect a change in governments. In Australia, Canada and New Zealand there was no such break, one minute before midnight they were under British law and one minute after minute they were still under British law but with a different name. SEE:

What that will mean to our TLFites living in the three countries is anybody's guess. But if the governments are not legal, the laws passed are not legal, the courts are not legal, nothing done by those countries since independence has been legal.

OOPS, had the wrong CONG after the HONG. :o

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited January 25, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited January 26, 2000).]
This may affect the U.S. too if one studies the constitution. We have not had a very constitutional government here either. At least most of our government is not constitutional. For example: where in the constitution is there a clause or statement allowing the Department of Education, or DOE, or HUD, or FDA, or ATF, or many hundreds of departments that are not constitutional, yet you are robbed to pay for. Yes- it is theft if someone forces you by threat of force, to pay for somthing that is illegal. If it is not in the Constitution, and the Federal Government is involved, then it is ILLEGAL. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my understanding.
A long time ago during the Roosevelt presidency, these programs started popping up. Although they were unconstitutional, it was allowed to pass, therefore, the Government has become the behemoth it is today. Since most of our presidents have never lived under a constitutional president, then I guess nobody will ever be able to operate in a constitutional manner. What it will take is a new generation, educated in the constitution of the U.S. to bring us back to legal government. I can't wait for it to happen.
The intriguing thing is the NZ government's reaction. So far there does not seem to be the "Tut, tut, it's nothing" reaction one might expect.

It's definitely worth following. I'm purely guessing that the loudest noises about forming constitutional governments will come from down under. I tend to question how most Canadians will react--other than the Quebecois.

After the way the shooting fraternity was treated in Australia, they might well take a leadership position. Hope they act soon!

:), Art
Is anyone really surprised by the fact that "the governors, seemingly forgot to inquire into the wishes, or preferences of the governed". Happens here too.
An interesting NZ site on this subject and others:

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.