Legal for JCG match, NRA HP match, CMP EIC match?


I am new to High Power shooting. Are any of the following legal for an M1 Garand .30-06 in a JCG match, NRA HP match, CMP EIC match?

1. Hooded rear sight?
2. Open rear sight?
3. National Match op rod?
4. National Match barrel?

What other types of matches are there for M1 Garands?
1. Hooded rear sight?
If its the NM sight yes its legal in Serice Rifle and EIC matches

2. Open rear sight?
There were no OPEN rear sight issued on the garand, not legal for service rifle but can be fired in HP matches as a Match Rifle

3. National Match op rod? 4. National Match barrel? Both are legal in Service Rifle and EIC matches.

The other Matches for the garand are the NRA Garand Matches. however, all the above would be ilegal, in Garand Matchs the rifle has to be AS ISSUED

Complete Information can be obtained from WWW.ODCMP.ORG or

Hope this helps