Legal Community Against Violence State Rankings

Bernie Lomax

New member

I have my doubts about this list, just like I do about the Brady rankings. Arizona was ranked last, lower than Montana, even though Montana does not prohibit felons or mental patients from having guns. I think it's because this place is a liberal California outfit, and Arizona is the state that California liberals love to hate. I wouldn't be surprised if they tailored their methodology a little bit to make Arizona come in dead last.

Anyway, whatever you think of it, it's certainly interesting to look at.
Gosh, I would think that any study that gives negative ratings for higher household gun ownership is worthless.

For example South Dakota has a lower incidence of "gun death rate" and a lower incidence of "crime gun export rate" (whatever these are) yet California is rated #1 while South Dakota is rated #35.

So I am calling the whole thing stupid.
Gosh, I would think that any study that gives negative ratings for higher household gun ownership is worthless.

For example South Dakota has a lower incidence of "gun death rate" and a lower incidence of "crime gun export rate" (whatever these are) yet California is rated #1 while South Dakota is rated #35.

So I am calling the whole thing stupid.

Junk like this is all based on what criteria are used and how they are weighted.

There is no actual science behind it.
Looks like a bunch of random numbers to me. Not seeing any correlation in the data. If there is one could it please be pointed out tome?
Total nonsense. Look at the numbers... for example New York has lower numbers than California across the board. Yet it's lower on the list than california. This has all the earmarks of a couple of idiots smoking some pot in their mothers basement, and put together a numbers chart that only makes sense to them... When they are high.

I KNOW that Florida has higher than 20% households owning firearms.

This chart might make it as toilet paper, but not much more.
Yet it's lower on the list than california. This has all the earmarks of a couple of idiots smoking some pot in their mothers basement, and put together a numbers chart that only makes sense to them... When they are high.
Please don't insult people who smoke weed. They come up with much better stuff than this.;)
Now you know what happens to people who smoke crack.

Always proud to be the bottom of any anti-rights people's list - we'd prefer they don't come here.
Hey, amoredman! Notice which State is right next to you?

Folks, LCAV is the Lawyers version of the Brady Campaign. They have been busy trying to get various States and communities to pass regulations to ban guns, ammo and ... just about anything to do with guns. They mostly operate out of and in CA, but they have been known to "seed" other areas.

LCAV is staffed with attorneys from highly prestigious S.F. law firms.
There is a very good article in the November issue of the America's 1st Freedom magazine, debunking the LCAV rankings. They computed Spearman's correlation coefficients of LCAV state gun control severity rankings, against total violent crime, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, robbery, aggravated assault, property crime, burglary, gun death, and household gun ownership. :)

Not surprisingly (at least for people who aren't rabid gun haters), the correlation coefficients did not bear out LCAV's argument that more-strict gun control laws = less gun crimes/deaths. In fact, the coefficients for total violent crime, murder/manslaughter, robbery, and aggravated assault were actually negative, meaning that more-restrictive gun control laws correlate with higher (not lower) rates of these crimes.

The only significantly positive coefficient (+0.74) was the one for household gun ownership. In other words, more-restrictive gun control laws correlate with lower rates of household gun ownership. No big surprise there!

Red Herring

If I am reading their medthodology correctly, they are ranking the states based on their approval of the state's gun laws. A totally arbitrary system. Plus points for restrictive laws, minus points for ccw laws and other things that would, in their eyes, promote gun violence.

The data for murders, gun crimes, "export" and gun ownership % households is not part of the ranking, it is merely provided for our "education".
If I am reading their medthodology correctly, they are ranking the states based on their approval of the state's gun laws. A totally arbitrary system. Plus points for restrictive laws, minus points for ccw laws and other things that would, in their eyes, promote gun violence.

The data for murders, gun crimes, "export" and gun ownership % households is not part of the ranking, it is merely provided for our "education".

44 AMP,

I'm not sure what the date of this publication is but it is similar to what Chicago Mayor Daly presented to a group of mayors. The statistics about export deals with weather a state exports or imports more guns to other states that are then used in the commission of a crime. For example, Daly says Illinois and NY imports more guns from other states that are used in crimes. He claims most of the exports are southern states.
