Forum: Legal and Political
Description: Round table discussions range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues.
Mission Statement: The Firing Line, a virtual community dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership.
When looking through many of the threads here, and keeping in mind the above two disclaimers, it is obvious to me, at least, that many of the topics we have seen lately do not belong here at The Firing Line.
While there are a great number of things that are happening in the world around us, The Firing Line is not a conspiracy board. Such discussions are not welcome here.
Our Founders knew that governments, not watched or checked by those who are governed, will always devolve into tyranny. But this doesn't mean that there is some vast conspiracy to take away our freedoms and liberties. It is as simple a people who experience power need more to sustain their power. It is a powerful narcotic and few individuals can withstand exposure such strong forces.
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington said this in a speech delivered January 7, 1790 as quoted in the Boston Independent Chronicle, January 14, 1790.
Others of the Founding Era said much the same thing. Benjamin Franklin Bache, in a Philadelphia Aurora editorial, 1794 wrote, "All governments are more or less combinations against the people. . .and as rulers have no more virtue than the ruled. . . the power of government can only be kept within its constituted bounds by the display of a power equal to itself, the collected sentiment of the people."
They warned us from the beginning to be on guard, always watchful. Never trusting for a moment the benevolence of the government. As a people however, we have failed to watch and guard our liberties with that same jealous eye toward the principles that our founders bequeathed us. While it is not entirely our fault, as we aren't the first Americans who have failed in this watchfulness, we share enough of the blame.
People who go around panicked because of some alleged conspiracy, do us gunnies great harm. The image we leave behind after all the talk of Doom And Gloom, is not at all conducive to being viewed as a rational group of people.
It is my opinion, and my opinion alone, that there is no place on the Firing Line for such threads, let alone the L&P forum. I don't think I'm alone in my thinking.
Description: Round table discussions range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues.
Mission Statement: The Firing Line, a virtual community dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership.
When looking through many of the threads here, and keeping in mind the above two disclaimers, it is obvious to me, at least, that many of the topics we have seen lately do not belong here at The Firing Line.
While there are a great number of things that are happening in the world around us, The Firing Line is not a conspiracy board. Such discussions are not welcome here.
Our Founders knew that governments, not watched or checked by those who are governed, will always devolve into tyranny. But this doesn't mean that there is some vast conspiracy to take away our freedoms and liberties. It is as simple a people who experience power need more to sustain their power. It is a powerful narcotic and few individuals can withstand exposure such strong forces.
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington said this in a speech delivered January 7, 1790 as quoted in the Boston Independent Chronicle, January 14, 1790.
Others of the Founding Era said much the same thing. Benjamin Franklin Bache, in a Philadelphia Aurora editorial, 1794 wrote, "All governments are more or less combinations against the people. . .and as rulers have no more virtue than the ruled. . . the power of government can only be kept within its constituted bounds by the display of a power equal to itself, the collected sentiment of the people."
They warned us from the beginning to be on guard, always watchful. Never trusting for a moment the benevolence of the government. As a people however, we have failed to watch and guard our liberties with that same jealous eye toward the principles that our founders bequeathed us. While it is not entirely our fault, as we aren't the first Americans who have failed in this watchfulness, we share enough of the blame.
People who go around panicked because of some alleged conspiracy, do us gunnies great harm. The image we leave behind after all the talk of Doom And Gloom, is not at all conducive to being viewed as a rational group of people.
It is my opinion, and my opinion alone, that there is no place on the Firing Line for such threads, let alone the L&P forum. I don't think I'm alone in my thinking.