left eye dominant


I am a left eye dominant-right hand shooter-I've always squinted and aimed with my right eye,although I am accurate,I am not comfortable with it. Is there any real problem shooting cross eye dominant??? I can get a nice clear sight picture with both eyes open aiming with my dominant left eye-but have never shot that way thinking it was wrong. Any insite would be greatly appreciated.

p.s. love my USP40
As the result of a chidhood injury I lost most of my sight from my right eye. I've been shooting pistols right handed using my left eyed since the age of 13. I shoot rifles left handed though. Since I shoot icoseles (both hands outstretched) I place my right cheek against the inside of my right shoulder. I've found that it gives me quick sight allignment and target aquisition. I shoot in a gun club and am consistently the fastes shooter. I don't think this technique limits my shooting ability. But remember it's by necessity and not by choice. I was right eye dominant before the accident. It might feel weird at first but give it a try. Good luck and good shooting.
No, there isn't any problem shooting cross dominant. I'm cross dominant, right hand, left eye. I shoot with both eyes open, sighting with my left eye.

I use either The Chapman, The Enhanced Weaver (http://www.turnipseedstance.com) or the Strong Isosceles (as taught by Greg Hamilton) stance.

Those are the best stances for cross-dominant shooters.

My best advice would be to shoot with both eyes open, shooting from the stance that is most comfortable for YOU.

[This message has been edited by dvc (edited December 25, 1999).]
kafeend, i am also right handed left eye dominant. I can shoot clearly with both eyes, but when i keep both of my eyes open, my left eye takes over, and i have no problem shooting extremely accurate, but i dont use an isocles stance, or weaver. It is sort of a mix and works for me.
PS: I love my HK USP 9mm!
Back when I instructed, we'd have at least one cross dominance person every rookie class.

After working it out awhile, we'd let the rookie go the way that worked best for them.

A,shoot dominant hand, not strong hand.

B, shoot weak hand, use dominant eye.

C, close the dominant eye and use the other.

We discouraged C, since something in a firefight may be happening on that side, but results seemed about even for A and B.

Shoulder arms meant dominant eye/arm almost exclusively....
I am left eye dominate and right handed as well. I just went through a NRA basic pistol training class and that was one of my major questions. I wanted to shoot the correct way. After shooting several different ways I found that I could shoot left handed just as easily as right handed. When shooting right handed I still use my left eye.

You might find this a blessing as I was told that advanced classes have you shoot with either hand in many different positions and they thought I would have an advantage. Some others in the class could not shoot with their other hand at all!

Also, you might try drawing with your eyes closed. When you open your eyes look at the gun to determine which hold places you directly on target. In a quick move this will speed your reactions up.

[This message has been edited by gunpowder (edited December 25, 1999).]
Try the Quell system developed by Paris Theodore. It is extremely stable and forces cross eye shooting. I even shot a couple of IPSC matches back in the mid-80's using this stance to engage distant targets because it was so stable. If you need the instructions email me.
I shoot right hand/left eye, too, and have found that my best results come when I lay my right cheek against my right shoulder, as was mentioned in another post. A little cock of the head to the right, and BANG!, right in the X ring!
We had a brief discussion of this earlier this year:
[Link to invalid post]

Since that thread, I have done a great deal of training with professional help. Now I regularly train with local and federal LEOs on force on force NLTA stuff. What I have found that surprised me is that I shoot almost as well with my support side and my shooting side. Some in the current thread have mentioned that you should cock your head when cross dominant, I disagree. IMHO, you are much better off bringing your shooting and support side into your dominant eye's LOS. If you are moving both your LOS and point of aim you make things much more complicated. I'm only interested in CQB, and this stated, you are much better off with a generally more ercet posture as you make a smaller target and do better in the "killing house."

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited December 25, 1999).]
I shoot cockeye sometimes.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
The recommended method when shooting from chapman, enhanced weaver or similar stances is to turn your head to the right until your left eye picks up the sights. Or in the extreme, chin to right shoulder.

When shooting from the strong isosceles, since the gun is centered between the upper body and generally in line with your nose, you can look straight ahead without turning your head to pickup the sights using your left eye.

[This message has been edited by dvc (edited December 25, 1999).]
My wife's like this...with her handgun there's no problem, but with a shotgun, she has to shoot on her weak side so she can sight down the barrel.
Thanks to all for the info, feel better about cross dominance. By practicing I did find a natural point to rest my cheek on my right shoulder, kinda like the nose to the charger Uncle Sam teaches. I will try this out in my next range session.

Side note: Shoulder arms I've always shot with my right eye open and will leave that alone.
I'm left-handed right eye dominant. I have found that canting my pistol between 30-45 degrees to starboard the sights find my right eye sight plane without losing my ability to control recoil for accurate follow up shots. Much farther over and recoil control is affected.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.
