Lee Push-Through Sizing Die Too Small


New member
Hi all,

I have a Lee push through bullet sizing die that's marked .430" but consistently sizes my bullets to about .427" which results in severe barrel leading.

I'd like to hone it out to about .431"

What's the best (and inexpensive) way to do it?

I've used a wooden dowel, some emery cloth, and a bit of oil. I split the dowel about 1" from the end, slipped a strip of emery cloth in the slot and wound it around the dowel enough for a snug fit in the cylinder/die. Chuck dowel in a drill (drill press will work, but I just used a hand drill), oil the emery, and start the drill. Keep the drill/dowel moving in and out with plenty of oil and check often; .002" should come out pretty quick...

Also be aware that some alloys will "spring back" a bit after sizing.
What's the best (and inexpensive) way to do it?
"Best" way is to have Lee handle the problem...and the will because if it produces a bullet that is a different diameter from what is stamped on the die, it is likely faulty (or your alloy is springing back). Also, they will not hone the die out of round, where you may do so by using home methods. The "inexpensive" way is to follow the instructions given in posts here, and hope for the best...learning by doing results in lots of things in the trash bin. Take your choice.
The best way is to get the Lyman/RCBS sizing lubricator press. Those dies are the right size from the start and you know your bullets are right.
Thanks for all the advice.

I'm probably not going to run out and spend hundreds on a Lubrisizer and dies because of one Lee die; and since these sizing kits are so inexpensive I'll try honing it at home.

I appreciate the input.
Got it done. Used a drill bit chucked into the drill backwards and wrapped some emery cloth around it. Put the die into a vise and honed it until it sized bullets to the correct diameter. Slightly oval, but very close - diameter ranges between .4305 and .431" - good enough.

Thanks everybody!