LEE Auto drum Finally out!!

I have been running a bunch of cast bullet loads for my 308 AR10 and 300 black out, and 223 in my AR15's.
Using primarily 5744 that is a med grain stick powder. If I can get it to drop in a useful range and not have to trickle every load.
Would be a win.
My AR's run through these by the coffee cans full.

I'm waiting on some reports as well. So far I love my Lee PPM and the Pro Auto Disc and if this performs as well will definitely add it. One thing I'm curious about is if the discs will also work with the PPM.
I wonder how it will do with extruded stick?

That seems to be Lee measures' collective Achilles' heel.

But ever since I invested in an electronic, I don't see any more measures on the horizon.
I got the same email. Good price. I think I'll wait to hear some reports on it.


Sure I will ad a quick write up.
I am a easy sell for powder measures though. I have ten of them.
One thing I have found. There is no measure that does all of them well.
My specific want is for stick (extruded) powders. So if its acceptable at that. I will be happy.
Every thing else will be gravy to me.

This is what I use right now for stick powder. Works well but cant get it on top of my LNL AP.


When I say acceptable I dont mean perfect. If it can stay a tenth of a grain up or down from my target weight. Thats good enough for my AR's.
Will still trickle my Hunting and accuracy loads.
I just need to be able to pick up the volume. Easy with ball powder. More of a challenge if you want to use extruded powders.
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I've ordered one. This Auto Disk looks to be of the same metering design as the Classic PM which is a substantial improvement of the old PPM. Based on the tests I did on the Classic PM I'm confident it will dispense/meter consistent charges if the sector/sun gear mechanism work as advertised.

Entry #13 of this thread list the evaluation of the Lee Classic Powder Measure:http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=560422&highlight=classic+powder+measure
Got the auto drum in today

I have only used BE-86 so far. There are no markings in cc or grains on it to help set up the load. It has a key you insert to adjust the load, turn counterclockwise for more powder and clockwise for less.
The hopper just sets in the top, if you forget to turn it off before you pick it up powder will go everywhere. When you dump the powder into the case you have to push the safety button before it will dump again. You can take the button off, I did after forgetting to push it.
Out of 50 loads of 6.5gr of BE-86 for 45 acp I got one 6.4 and one 6.6.
I'm sure someone will do a full review on it. I like it and will try other powders later after I get my 45's loaded.
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Hey guys. I installed mine tonight and did a few rounds. FINALLY, I can drop what I need for my 308 rounds.

I use it on the Classic Turret and the auto-riser is required. It has button that you have to manually reset after each drop to prevent a double drop. However, there are instructions to remove this safety feature, but I plan to leave it there until I get use to it.

So far, right out of the box, the metering has been perfect or within a couple tenths. I'm using CFE 223 which meters well already. I'll try some extruded 4895 in it later.

So far, it works great.
yes after each drop and if you forget to push the button it will still act like it drops but no powder will drop into the case, that's why I removed the disconnect button.
The drum will not move unless you push the button.
I forgot to add that pushing the disconnect button is for a single stage or the LCT, on an lee 1000 progressive press or load master you use the chain to work the disconnect button
sorry guys, I am so ignorant to anything outside of the single-stage world. wouldn't this work on a single-stage as well? I assume it does on a turret so why not an SS? thanks. if it'll work for me, i'll take it. I was just about to buy the cast PPM(although still likely will for rifle), but this would be great for all that 9milli

I think the button drop is a great safety feature, and after looking at it again, I cant see why it wouldn't work any press, single, turret or whatever.
It mounts on top of Lee's powder through expanding die. So, yes it will work on any single stage. If you use it on Lee's turret press, then you will need a riser that raises it up to clear the safety prime bracket when the turret is rotating. It will also work on Lee's progressive presses also. Probably on other brands of progressive presses as long as you devise a way of activating the safety button if you don't want to remove the safety feature.
The auto drum will work on any press the lee pro disk will work on. On the Hornady LNL and others like it you have to push the disconnect if you want to use the disconnect or take it off. If you use the disconnect make sure you check that there is powder in the case(I'm sure that 98% already do this) because the case will push it up but no powder will drop if the disconnect is not pushed.