Lee 452-230


New member
For the first time, I'm about to load these for my Colt Gov't model. This is the TC design. But I don't have any info on the COL as well as powder charge. I'm using HP-38 (Win 231). Anyone have recommendations? Thanks.
I guess it doesn't matter being the TL or regular lube design. Personally I would seat them to fit and function, then start at the low end and workup.

I usually run a few other powders but do have some 231 just haven't opened it up yet.

I usually pull the barrel and use it to fit by doing the plunk test and loading dummy rounds. Once I find where it sits flush with the chamber, I then set the crimp and go to loading.

It's worked well so far with everything from cast SWC's to wide mouth HP's and even the jacketed loads. Till you find what shoots accurate, it's all just an experiment in fun anyway.
Get yourself a Lyman book. It will be a great base starting point for powder. As Mike mentioned seat for fit and function. start with a dumby round and seat a bullet and do a plunk test to make sure it is fitting in your chamber. If it doesn't fall right back out of your chamber you need to make some changes.

Some things to note for a first timer.

You should slug the barrel and be .001 to .002 over the goove diameter.
Be sure to flair the case mouth before seating the bullet.
Taper crimp just enough to take the flair off. (preferably in a separate step after seating.)

This will reduce a lot of headache later.
And I found out I don't want to use a Lee Factory Crimp die with cast lead bullets. The FCD tends to swage the bullet down in size defeating your attempt to size the bullet appropriately for your barrel. I have come to like the Dillon crimp dies.
Absolutely right on swaging the bullet with the FCD Vance.... I also found that if I didn't use the FCD with that particular Lee bullet mold the bullet wouldn't feed in a couple of my 1911's. I ended up giving up on that Lee mold and purchased a Lyman 452374 which has been a pure pleasure to use.

My theory is the design of the nose of the Lee bullet because I sized it to .452 same as the Lyman but the Lyman feeds perfectly.

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