Leather Holster

I recently purchased an 1895 Nagant revolver. It came with the original holster circa 1939. The holster is in pretty good condition. I was wondering what I should treat it with. The only other leather I have taken care of was the pockets on my Billiards table. For that I just rubbed oil on it, I believe mink oil. Any suggestions.
From Milt Sparks website: "Nothing much needs to be done other than an occasional waxing to help maintain appearance. That applies to items with the smooth-out finish only! Rough out finishes such as on our SS-2 and Summer Special holsters, should be left as is except for maybe an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth. Do not use silicone, oil, or any leather conditioning product that advertises itself as an aid to help soften leather."

I used shoe wax for several years but recently bought a container of Renaissance Wax which is supposed to be super good. Milt Sparks stocks this product as does Midway. Using leather conditioning oils can soften leather and cause a holster to lose its shape/firmness. When this happens the holster will no longer retain the pistol properly.