Learning to shoot the derringer . . .

Prof Young

New member
So I've had a couple posts about the Davis Derringer I bought. Took it to the range for the third time today and discovered that if I put way too much finger on the trigger . . . my aim improves. At five yards the shots have been all over and beyond a 12 inch target. By using the middle pad of my trigger finger I got the groups down to about six inches and I brought them much more to the center. Amazing. It's like have to bury the gun in my hands to make it work.

Thoughts . . . ?

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
That type of shootin' iron isn't designed for target practice much.
More like a stick it in the ribs and pull the trigger.
Something easy to carry in a lady's stocking or a gambler's vest.
Or behind Paladin's gun belt buckle.
Still kind of fun, though, eh?
Although I don't miss the one I once had in .357.
What was I thinking.
Traded it back right quick where it came from for something useful.
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You might want to try separate targets, one for each barrel, just to see what's going on. It's unlikely that both barrels hit in the same small area beyond a short distance. So, you might have to use different POA's to get the same (or close) POI's from the different barrels.
"...More like a stick it in the ribs and..." Or across a poker table. Five yards is too far.
"...behind Paladin's gun belt buckle..." In it. snicker.
Thanks . . .

Thanks for all the thoughts.
Just to assuage all fears this derringer is just for fun. Got it for $90 and it's in good shape so the fun goes on. Shooting two different targets is a good idea to tell me what the point of aim is for each barrel.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
There are a lot of derringer haters out there. Most of us that have derringers have other guns to rely on. My derringer is a lot of fun at the range. My 9mm Cobra derringer shoots the lower barrel close to point of aim at 7yds. The top barrel shoots about 5" high. From what I've read, that's petty typical of most derringers.
bond arms derringer

i only have experience with bond arms derringers. they are very solid and with rubber grips are perfectly ok to shoot alot for useful practice. yesterday i took a ruger sr22 and a 9mm b.a. with short rubber grips to an outdoor range. i shot 50 comfortable rounds out of the b.a. popping empty soda cans at 15'. if i had brought more 9mm ammo i could have shot more. the trick is to find the correct grip, which comes with practice, as well as use a solid piece, e.g. a b.a. one of my favorite ccw pieces is a b.a., either 9mm or 410/45lc.
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Derringers are likely the most misunderstood guns of all
They are like a long bladed knife when used to preserve life and as a fun gun they're a blast to shoot!
The barrels a er almost never centered the same but at 5 ft or less it matters little. One needs to simply shoot towards C/M and run!
Lifesavers is all they ever will be.
The .22 RF at least equals the old .44 RF in energy anms of preformanced out penetrates it too. The larger CF caliners above .25 are near equal to a Like caliber revolver in preformance. Mlly .38 Cobra has barrels equal to my Chief and is near or better because of the lack of a barrel gap.
They are small and hard to shoot the Chief is more accurate for at least that reason...
However due to their historical appeal, TV and Movie coverage they remain high on the list of highly concealable weapons. The fantis of Paladin and Bat Nast ersonally blasting the bad guys from a hideout gun also rates high in folks minds!
Truth be told my .38 Cobra weighs just about as much as my Chief and is nearly the same size! Plus the Chief holds more ammo.
Nevertheless my little .22 RF Davis is so small that carrying it in a pocket dosen't bog ya down and is nearly invisible in a pocket
The security of having at least 2 shots to fend off snakes and feral dogs is comforting.
One needs understand the mechanics of shooting a Derringer though! It's definitely a 2 handed gun. Cocking due to heavy hammer Springs and tight Safety's take both hands to operate.
Firing even a .38 takes both hands to control recoil. In most cases reloading is out of the question too.
The best way to use a Derringer is not to show it till ready to shoot! ,
The benefit of the gun is surprise and a decently placed shot, two if you get the chance.
If you want a play Derringer get a .22 because of the versatility of ammo.
If you'really considering Social Work, buy a 9mm or 38
Larger calibers are totally uncontrolable, period!
I own a .22 and a
38 and shoot both frequentlly, at least if called upon I am familiar with them
I shoot only solid bullets NO shot because it spreads top quickly and has no power. A solid will at least roll a snake over and stun it with a near miss,affording a second try.
. For 2 legged Vermont solids are the only option!
Yep Derringers do have a place but you need to know their limitations.
I'll always have at least one in my battery.
only two shots of anything is cutting it pretty damn close. when they come from a S/A derringer its even worse. of course, it is better than not having any gun.
only two shots of anything is cutting it pretty damn close.

In a true self-defense situation, 2 shots of .357 aught to be adequate. If you are facing more than one attacker, you might be in some trouble....well, if you are facing any attacker, I suppose you are already in trouble.
In a true self-defense situation, 2 shots of .357 aught to be adequate. If you are facing more than one attacker, you might be in some trouble....well, if you are facing any attacker, I suppose you are already in trouble.

youre clearly better with a derringer than 99% of proficient handgunners, especially under attack.
No, I stink with a derringer. The problem with the derringer is grip and trigger. Since no one really carries them locked and cocked, you will have to cock it first and then pull the trigger.

How many .357 rounds do you really expect to fire into a single attacker at close range? More than 2? Really??

I know, I know "whatever it takes to stop the attacker...." Which would normally be one or two well placed rounds. Most likely, after one shot of defensive .357 at close range the attack is over. Think about it, if there was no truth to this, then no one would have ever invented a Derringer!
There are times of dress (it is rare) that the only thing I can get away with is carrying my derringer. I understand and agree that there are far better CCW choices out there. My derringer is the smallest gun I have, not necessarily lighter. But (2) rounds of 9mm is a far better option than hoping my attacker is just kidding.