I own several Percussion revolvers and have noted that there seem to be different tapers cut on the Nipple Cones. Due to their shape, my Piettias seem to prefer the Remington #11 cap. I have tried the Remington #10's but they don't seem to fit all the way down on the tapers and often misfire (needing repeat hits to fire).
My Uberti New London Owners Manual suggests the #10 cap but again, the #11 fits all the way down. I experimented with different brands and sizes of caps and at first got very confused but the more things I tried and the more reserch I did on the net things started falling into place...
When I use the #11 caps it is necessary to "Pinch" the caps to provide a tight fit but at least they go off every time! A small trade-off to make to get functioning.
I think the troubles I am experiencing are due to the factory sholder taper of the nipples. The sholder angle is steeper on the Uberti Caps than on the Piettias.
I wonder who actually makes Nipples for these manufacturers? Maybe there are several nipple manufacturers in Europe?
Around the Net there is an excellent article on Cap sizes giving measurements of various brands. It is very intresting to see how close the # 10 and 11 Caps are! It has to be the sholder taper that makes for so many fitting problems! I think that experimenting with loads and blow-back pressures also drastically affects Cap preformance.Too much back pressure and caps fragment causing jams.
Getting optium fit and preformance from Caps is just one of a bunch ofbunch of tricks you must "Learn" through experience shooting Cap and Ball Revolvers. In the beginning, shooters assume that since percussion is an old system that it is simple however just the opposite is true! It's a series of tricks and consistancys that makes it all work!
I'm still learning and each time I figgure something new/old out, my guns run better and my shooting enjoyment gets more exciting! I doubt I will ever know it all but I make a conscious effort to scrutinize each days shooting to see if my experiments have taught me anything? Maybe this Learning thing is what's got me so hung-up on Percussion Revolvers?
My Uberti New London Owners Manual suggests the #10 cap but again, the #11 fits all the way down. I experimented with different brands and sizes of caps and at first got very confused but the more things I tried and the more reserch I did on the net things started falling into place...
When I use the #11 caps it is necessary to "Pinch" the caps to provide a tight fit but at least they go off every time! A small trade-off to make to get functioning.
I think the troubles I am experiencing are due to the factory sholder taper of the nipples. The sholder angle is steeper on the Uberti Caps than on the Piettias.
I wonder who actually makes Nipples for these manufacturers? Maybe there are several nipple manufacturers in Europe?
Around the Net there is an excellent article on Cap sizes giving measurements of various brands. It is very intresting to see how close the # 10 and 11 Caps are! It has to be the sholder taper that makes for so many fitting problems! I think that experimenting with loads and blow-back pressures also drastically affects Cap preformance.Too much back pressure and caps fragment causing jams.
Getting optium fit and preformance from Caps is just one of a bunch ofbunch of tricks you must "Learn" through experience shooting Cap and Ball Revolvers. In the beginning, shooters assume that since percussion is an old system that it is simple however just the opposite is true! It's a series of tricks and consistancys that makes it all work!
I'm still learning and each time I figgure something new/old out, my guns run better and my shooting enjoyment gets more exciting! I doubt I will ever know it all but I make a conscious effort to scrutinize each days shooting to see if my experiments have taught me anything? Maybe this Learning thing is what's got me so hung-up on Percussion Revolvers?